216 results for author: Colin Harris

Day 174/175 – 11.2 km (total – 3854.7 km)

Late  last night, I found myself watching an infomercial.  A pretty bad  infomercial – not that any of them are really any good!  I had run just  shy of 7 marathons in the last 8 days and was in desperate need of a  shower and some amenities.  So I found a cheap motel and after washing  my considerably dirty body, I crawled into bed and unwound a bit in  front of the tv.  I obviously haven’t watched much tv over the past 5  months and it was reaffirming that I’m not missing much.  I found a  movie that helped turn my brain off for a bit, but afterwards,  everything was garbage.  I heard a couple of months ago that some of the ...

Day 173 – 46.3 km (total – 3843.5 km)

There is something about midway points.  Something about being half done that resonates. And captures our attention.  And today, the TMO Project reached its halfway point in terms of distance run across this country.  In one way, it feels like I should be further.  In another, I can’t believe I’ve run 3800 km.  I feel elated to be halfway across Canada.  I also feel overwhelmed to only be halfway across Canada. Every conversation I have with the people I meet fuels my fire for doing what I’m doing.  I stopped today at a small resort to get some water and ended up staying for a turkey sandwich.  As soon as Carol, one of the owners, ...

Day 170-172 – 108.3 km (total – 3797.2 km)

I’m gunning for the Sault, so this will just be a quick update.  The last few days have been long, yesterday in particular.  I spent 4 hours with my thumb out trying to hitch a ride to my starting point, but couldn’t get picked up for the life of me.  I decided to give up and instead run my distance backwards.  So for the first time in over 5 months, I ran east.  It felt strange, but at the end of the day I still got in the distance that I needed to.  In total it was an 11 hour day.  But my ride home was with Mike.  He works in Sudbury and was on his way up to Sleeping Giant Park in Thunder Bay to meet up with his kids to do some ...

Day 168/169 –84.4 km (total – 3688.9 km)

Familiarity is a strange thing.  If you’ve ever driven the stretch between Sudbury and Sault Ste. Marie, chances are you’ve stopped at the Timmies/Wendy’s at the turn off for Espanola.  It’s a popular spot and is usually packed.  It was my halfway point today for the run, so the RV was parked here and I have just returned after finishing today’s distance.  It is certainly vacation time and so this locale proves to be an interesting people-watching venue for someone who’s going to spend the rest of the night in this parking lot!  There are likely other places that I could drive to that would be quieter and more secluded, ...

Day 165-167 – 54.6 km (total – 3604.5 km)

A sense of wonder is a pretty cool thing to see in kids.  And although I have been exposed to seeing this sense of wonder typically unravel outside, I saw wide-eyed kids exploring the natural environment inside.  I spent most of yesterday at Science North in Sudbury.  It’s an amazing centre with a butterfly exhibit, ecosystems of Ontario, a technology section and many other cool things.  It was a popular place yesterday and it was so fun to see kids diving into the hands-on exhibits that makes Science North one of the main attractions in Sudbury.  Whether it was a flying squirrel presentation or seeing beavers, porcupines, skunks, turtles ...

Day 164 – 42.2 km (total – 3549.9 km)

I can't thank you enough for your notes of encouragement. Today was the first day in a week and a half where I actually ran the whole day.  And although some blisters are grossing me out, they didn't affect me getting in the marathon today. Happy boy!!

Day 163 – 41.5 km (total – 3507.7 km)

Well, I guess no one said this would all be fun and games! I’m not going to lie… I feel in rough shape. My left leg is having some issues, which has caused me to have to walk/run a bit in the last few days.  My new(ish) shoes have felt good for running but they don’t seem to enjoy the walking part of it… I have wicked blisters on the back of my heels.  I have choice words for the slope of the TCH in this part of Ontario.  My right foot can’t plant itself flatly.  As a result (in my opinion!), I have a nice little blister on my baby toe.  Covering myself in sunscreen doesn’t seem to be doing much… I still feel roasted by ...

Day 159-161 – 76.8 km (total – 3435.5 km)

Hitchhiking can be an interesting phenomenon.  I think I may have some good stories by the end of this if I continue meeting the people I’m meeting!  In the last few days, I’ve met a propane serviceman who told me his life story in 5 minutes and then proceeded to give me a 15 minute sermon on the doctrines of the Christian church.  I’ve met a hobby farmer, a mechanic, a mining engineer from Iran, and a weed dealer.  Yep, should be an interesting few weeks! I’ll get to see northern Ontario 3 different ways – as I shuttle the RV north, hitchhike back to my starting point and then run back to the RV.  As overwhelming as it ...

Day 162 – 30.7 km (total – 3466.2 km)

Being able to sit with Koona and enjoy the sun while looking out over Lake Nipissing made the run earlier today almost seem forgettable!  Something about big open water…

Day 158 – 26.6 km (total – 3358.7 km)

Over the past 5 months, Sarah has spent day in and day out being in the RV and helping me out with the logistics of this run across the country.  She has supported me, cooked for me, driven for me, walked Koona for me… the list is quite long.  And before January, there was a year spent working towards this.  Sarah wrote endless grant proposals and letters to government trying to garner support for this project.  She has given so much of her time and effort and energy into Take Me Outside. On Wednesday night, I drove Sarah down to Toronto so that she could fly back to Halifax for personal reasons. I met Sarah about a decade ago and I have ...