Day 159-161 – 76.8 km (total – 3435.5 km)

Me and Koona hanging out at Lake Bernard

Me and Koona hanging out at Lake Bernard

Hitchhiking can be an interesting phenomenon.  I think I may have some good stories by the end of this if I continue meeting the people I’m meeting!  In the last few days, I’ve met a propane serviceman who told me his life story in 5 minutes and then proceeded to give me a 15 minute sermon on the doctrines of the Christian church.  I’ve met a hobby farmer, a mechanic, a mining engineer from Iran, and a weed dealer.  Yep, should be an interesting few weeks!

I’ll get to see northern Ontario 3 different ways – as I shuttle the RV north, hitchhike back to my starting point and then run back to the RV.  As overwhelming as it all might sound, it’s not all that bad!  By the end of 42 km, sticking out my thumb so that I can stop running doesn’t seem daunting at all.

TCH between Trout Creek and North Bay.

TCH between Trout Creek and North Bay.

I spent yesterday in Sundridge and had a chance to catch up with my friend Emily who works at Project DARE.  Fun fact – Lake Bernard in Sundridge is the largest freshwater lake in the WORLD without an island!  True story.  We drove back down to Burk’s Falls for dinner and ate at Casa Foods and Dining.  Kim was the cook for years at Outward Bound based out of Burk’s Falls and when the organization moved south, Kim stayed to open up this restaurant.  Amazing food and even better desserts!

Today was hot.  There is not a lot of shade out there on the ol’ TCH!  With a little injury in my left leg, I still managed to get in the marathon distance (well, 100 metres short if you’re being really specific!).  Tomorrow I will run into North Bay and enjoy a swim in Lake Nipissing.  Looking forward to it!

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