Day 173 – 46.3 km (total – 3843.5 km)

Last night's sunset

Last night’s sunset

There is something about midway points.  Something about being half done that resonates. And captures our attention.  And today, the TMO Project reached its halfway point in terms of distance run across this country.  In one way, it feels like I should be further.  In another, I can’t believe I’ve run 3800 km.  I feel elated to be halfway across Canada.  I also feel overwhelmed to only be halfway across Canada.

Every conversation I have with the people I meet fuels my fire for doing what I’m doing.  I stopped today at a small resort to get some water and ended up staying for a turkey sandwich.  As soon as Carol, one of the owners, heard the reason I was running, she went on a tangent.  A good tangent.  She’s a concerned parent who feels like she’s losing her daughter to all these screens.  Her and her husband try to employ a lot of students and continually have issues with things like texting during work hours.  Everyone who I talk to has a story.  From being passionate to being enraged, anything but a sense of apathy is present in their tone.  These screens have a pulse that is causing a stir.  And hopefully that’s a good thing.  It makes me feel validated that the work of my friends, colleagues, educators, parents and others to expose children and youth to the outdoors is not only worthwhile, but prescient as well.

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