26 results for group: contract-staff-consultants-strategic-planners

Kapabamayak Achaak Healing Forest- Live, Learn, Heal

The presenters will gather in a circle on the land. Our Elder will share circle teachings and smudging protocols. Participants will be invited to participate in a smudge. The presenters will provide a brief history of the project and provide examples of land-based practices shared with many visitors to the site such as Indigenous ways-of-knowing and methodologies, environmental sustainability and wellness on the land. Our Elder will share a traditional teaching of how the board works together and the presenters will discuss the collaboration between a diverse group of people who are First Nations, Metis, White, religious and secular, all with a ...

Educating the hearts of youth to promote nature stewardship

In our technology-driven world, we need to ensure that youth, our future leaders, are connected to nature. In this workshop, hosted by Outward Bound Canada in collaboration with the Nature Education Collective (NEC), participants will experience the immediate benefits of learning in nature through simple outdoor activities. They will learn about the many benefits of outdoor education for students, such as social-emotional skills and improved mental health, and recognize how important emotional connections to nature are for environmental conservation. They will also learn how to collect and analyze data to demonstrate the value of outdoor education and ...

Land-based Learning: An inquiry about relationships, the environment and our students

Join us for a presentation about how school staff and community members explored what land-based learning could look like from kindergarten to grade 12; situated in a remote, Yukon community. We explored place-based literacy and numeracy, while connecting relationships to local First Nation’s culture, language and its connections to the land to build real world inquires related to how teaching and learning might look different beyond the walls of the classroom.

Outdoor Play-Based Learning

This hands-on workshop will explore outdoor play-based learning, including the role of the educator, fostering children's self-agency in play, the outdoor play-based learning continuum and the conceptualization of a play-based experiential learning model. Participants will be guided through hands-on experiences, small break out groups, and larger discussion to explore the content and potential of play as an emerging pedagogical current in the outdoor learning field.

Red River Métis Environment and Climate Change Education

The Manitoba Métis Federation (MMF), the National Government of the Red River Métis, will engage delegates in a hybrid workshop to, first, gain a deeper understanding of the Red River Métis and their unique history in Canada. Then, showcase hands-on, cultural activities as part of the MMF’s Métis Environmental Leaders of Tomorrow (MELT), Métis Community-Based Climate Monitoring (MCBCM), and Stewards of the Homeland (SOHP) Programs in an outdoor setting; MELT has a focus on environment and climate change education for Youth in grade school (K-12), MCBCM has a focus on environment and climate change education and monitoring for Citizens, and SOHP ...

Braiding Indigenous and Forest School Epistemologies on the Land

Join us, Dorothy Thunder and Tiffany Smith, on the land as we share with you how we braid Indigenous and Forest School epistemologies into relationship building with ourselves, each other and the land at our land-based education program, Blossoming Flower. Workshop participants will gain hands-on experience as they participate in activities the same way our program participants would. The presenter team will reflect on building relationships between Indigenous Knowledge Holders and non-Indigenous educators. Workshop attendees will also have the opportunity to reflect on their practice and experience, and ask questions.

Co-Conspiring In Partnership To Bring More Than One Story to the Outdoors

“The outdoors are not neutral”. “Social justice and environmental justice are siloed - we need to disrupt that” Join a walking interactive story journey centred around how to work in a trusting partnership that links race and place in outdoor environmental education and climate justice. Follow a path of critical friendship and thought partners as they share the messiness and success of lifting joy and justice. Grounded in research and in practice, topics like reciprocity, GAP analysis, challenging conversations and impact will be shared through the lens of our shared experience doing this work in Ontario. Each participant will walk ...

Healing in Nature – Introducing The National Healing Forest Initiative

Breaking free of the walls which confine us can lead us in to nature, a space where we can heal, learn, and reconnect with ourselves and each other. The National Healing Forest Initiative founded by Patricia Stirbys, a Cowessess First Nation Lawyer, and Peter Croal, a Geological Consultant, after the findings of the 2015 Truth & Reconciliation Report, is an opportunity upon which you may wish to act as well. This workshop explores what and where the Healing Forests are and how they can fulfil a call to action towards reconciliation, addressing the 60's Scoop, Missing & Murdered Indigenous Women & Girls, and Residential School Survivors and the ones ...

How Do I Teach This Outside? Outdoor Literacy Instruction Meets the Science of Reading Movement

Many schools and teachers are changing their approach to literacy instruction in response to the science of reading movement. These new practices may seem difficult to take outside. In this workshop, participants will actively explore practical ways to practice phonics skills, engage in word study, build vocabulary, boost reading and language comprehension, and encourage richer writing. Learn how the outdoor learning environment near your school can provide an authentic context for beginning readers and writers and provide experiences that are essential for building language and reading comprehension.

Nature Journaling as a Tool for Connection & Conservation

How can using an arts-based practice of reflection create a stronger ecological identity? We will make time to slow down and intentionally connect deeper to place through the practice of nature journaling. How can a stronger ecological identity strengthen the overall resiliency of teachers? How can the products of art practice act as an invitation to fellow educators to strengthen their connection and understanding of their sense of place?