Day 91/92 – 62.8 km (total – 2151.3 km)

The St. Lawrence... even beautiful in spring.

The St. Lawrence… even beautiful in spring.

Yesterday with lights flashing at the side of the TCH, I was asked to get into the back of the police car.  It seemed this particular officer didn’t see eye to eye with the officer the previous day who had told me I could run the TCH until it intersected with another highway that would allow me to run parallel to it.  After pleading my case and getting a firm “no”, I momentarily thought about running… ya know, in the name of the project!  I thought it might not hurt to get the officer outside and even active as he chased me.  I could be yelling “Take Me Outside!” in attempts of giving a whole new slant to the motto. I slipped into the back of the cruiser before I was even finished my thought.  And so, after 3 months of running the TCH, we’re temporarily breaking up.  I have mixed feelings… the TCH has become familiar and comfortable.  But for the next 2 weeks, we’ll spend some time apart… which might not be so bad!

Oh TCH... I'll miss you

Oh TCH… I’ll miss you

Yesterday with lights flashing at the side of the TCH, I was asked to get into the back of the police car.  It seemed this particular officer didn’t see eye to eye with the officer the previous day who had told me I could run the TCH until it intersected with another highway that would allow me to run parallel to it.  After pleading my case and getting a firm “no”, I momentarily thought about running… ya know, in the name of the project!  I thought it might not hurt to get the officer outside and even active as he chased me.  I could be yelling “Take Me Outside!” in attempts of giving a whole new slant to the motto. I slipped into the back of the cruiser before I was even finished my thought.  And so, after 3 months of running the TCH, we’re temporarily breaking up.  I have mixed feelings… the TCH has become familiar and comfortable.  But for the next 2 weeks, we’ll spend some time apart… which might not be so bad!

The flats of the St. Lawrence

The flats of the St. Lawrence

Eventually, I’ll reunite with the TCH.  It has significance both for me and for this country.  And it’s not as though I’m cheating… I’m simply getting to know a new friend.  A friend who showed me beauty… a piece of culture and a piece of history of the communities that hug the mighty St. Lawrence.

One of the many rivers flowing into the TCH

One of the many rivers flowing into the TCH

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