Day 4 – 13.6 km (total – 103.6 km)

A beautiful lake between Whitbourne and Chapel Arm
Today is my mom’s birthday… happy birthday Mom!
My mom and dad worked in Drumheller, Alberta when I was born in December, way back in the 70’s! As with any new mom, she was given loads of advice as to how to parent. Everyone has their two cents when it comes to raising a child! With being the first of three, she was learning as she went, but she did pay heed to some advice from an elderly woman who lived in town. She told my mom to keep me outside as much as possible, even in the winter, so that I would adjust to the cold climate of the west. So every day, my mom would bundle me up and take me for walks around the Badlands. She was committed to that. And 36 years later, my favourite season by far happens to be the winter.
It’s not to say technology is bad… it has enhanced our lives in so many ways. But there seems to be an imbalance growing in the last few years between screen time and time outside.
Parents play such an integral role in developing their child’s habits and behaviours. We live in a culture of technology that just didn’t exist 30 years ago. We are glued to our screens as adults, so it makes sense that kids are following suit. A Statscan report today in the Globe and Mail indicates adults spend 70% of their waking hours sedentary, with kids close behind at 62%. Other research shows that North Americans spend up to 93% of their lives indoors. The statistics are grim and yet we can’t seem to pry ourselves away from being plugged in. It’s not to say technology is bad… it has enhanced our lives in so many ways. But there seems to be an imbalance growing in the last few years between screen time and time outside. An imbalance that is growing into a trend that has this generation of youth predicted to be the first to not outlive its parents.
Parenting is not easy by any stretch of the imagination. I have seen how difficult it can be with friends and family who have kids, and so there is a real hesitancy to say anything that seems as though I’m pointing the finger. So instead, cheers to the moms (and dads!) who are bundling up their kids in January to take them out for a walk… going tobogganing, skating, skiing or whatever other winter activity this great country has to offer!