Day 30/31 – 12.3 km (total – 588.9 km)


Amazing views on this afternoon’s short run!

Yesterday, I embodied my personal 3 R’s… Rest, Recover and Refuel.

A brief snapshot of today:
Couldn’t find anywhere in Deer Lake to get our propane refilled.  The one place that could do it had plowed all the snow over the tank so it was inaccessible.  I suppose that’s indicative of how many RV’s travel Newfoundland in the winter!  The TCH was in rough shape – a lot of blowing snow and poor conditions.  We thought we’d try the drive… we didn’t last long.  We pulled into a gas station that thankfully had a restaurant and warmed up a bit.  After waiting the weather out, it turned into a beautiful later half of the afternoon.  So although the roads weren’t great (sorry mom…), I decided to run a bit.  The highway was quiet and although I was only able to run about 12k before dusk set in, it felt so great to get out there and see some blue sky!


A gorgeous sunset to end my day between Springdale and Deer Lake

One of the sections we’re trying to explore on our new website is called ‘Canadians Outside’.  There are individuals across this country, be they teachers, parents or students, who are committed to getting children and youth outside.  We’d like to share some of their stories with people who visit our site.  So if you know of anyone who comes to mind, we’re looking for a 2 paragraph summary of what they’ve done.  It might be that they started a school food garden, or maybe a walk to school initiative with the kids in their neighbourhood.  Whatever the story, we’d like to share it.  Our hope is that some of these stories might inspire others in different communities to do the same!  So check it out!

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