Day 29 – 47.3 km (total – 576.6 km)

A little off balance!
Well, this entry is being posted on day 30, but I thought I’d still share with you day 29…. because it was that adventurous! Valentine’s Day will take on a whole new meaning for me for wondering where the love is!!
We took our generator in Monday morning to see if we could get it fixed. They said they might be able to look at it that day, but couldn’t commit. So I looked up the place where we bought the generator and it appeared to me as though there was a dealer in Deer Lake where we were headed (it turned out there wasn’t). So we decided to hold out and take it to the place we bought it at. We then went to the propane dealer. Long story short – it was too cold to pump the propane. Ok, so no heat for the next couple of nights. We’ll deal with it. Sarah took me out to the TCH and I started running… within 10 k, my knee was hurting. I think it’s my IT band again. But I’ve got some miles to put in, and am feeling the pressure as we have schools lined up and to an extent, are trying to keep to a timeframe. So the running turned into a run/walk combo. Not entirely happy, but fine. At about 30 k, the RV passed me on the TCH to stop and give me a break. Next time I looked up, the RV was on a severe tilt into the snow bank. Sarah had hit a soft shoulder and the tires slipped down into the ditch. Okay. So CAA, blah blah, blah. A lovely young man stopped to see if we were okay. I said we were fine, so he went to turn around and drive away, but hit the soft shoulder himself and then there were two vehicles stuck! A tow truck was on its way… one big enough to pull an RV out, but it was going to take awhile as it was coming from Deer Lake. A decision was made between Sarah and I that it made sense for me to keep going. Waiting around wasn’t really going to help the situation. The dogs were okay in the RV and aside from the contents of the entire left side of the RV being dumped onto the right, everyone was safe. So off I went. Let me speed up the story a bit! I ran/walked 47 km before Sarah was able to pick me up. We decided that we needed a warm space and a day to recoup. So off to Deer Lake. After two motels that wouldn’t take dogs, we found a cottage 15 minutes out of Deer Lake that did. Looked out the window this morning… about 25 cm of snow had come down in the night. Our RV is snowed in and the owner of this place is not on site. So for now, we are stranded!

Fun times!

Remember the movie “The Shining”!?