Day 28 – day off (total – 529.3 km)


A beautiful walk in Springdale.


Brrr… it’s cold.

Soon, I will tuck myself away in my sleeping bag, rated -11, blankets on top.

Propane is low – again.

A decision will be made soon as to how cold we sleep throughout the night.

Normally I sleep with my window open in the winter – I hate my head being too warm.

But it’s freezing.

I’ll pull the sleeping bag over my head, but I’ll still be able to feel the draft from the original 1984 windows that were never intended for Newfoundland winters.

I’ll listen for a faint click.

A few seconds later, the fan will come on.  Step 1 successful.

I’ll wait.

I feel like I’m always waiting throughout the night for the 2nd click.

It’s louder.

The furnace kicks in after that 2nd click.  At least it’s supposed to.

The anticipation of heat keeps me awake.

I’m not kidding, not for a second.

Throughout the night, my sleep is interrupted as I wait for that 2nd click.
Most of the time, it comes.  But there is a chance it won’t.  Sometimes it doesn’t.

I wait for that little wave of warm air that momentarily exists before it is sucked away by numerous drafts spread throughout the 24 feet that is our home.

Our generator is currently broken.  For real.

We’re plugged in to the side of the local Sally Ann church.  Thank God for my parents chosen career.


A view from the Riverwood Trail.

The wind will rock our square home back and forth.  It’s more of a violent rock than a gentle one.  It certainly doesn’t put me to sleep, that wind.

Dawn will come eventually.

Running clothes are waiting to be thrown on.  Cold ones.

My feet will adjust to the damp running shoes that will carry me through my day.

And I will smile.

I will smile because we made it through another day.

I will smile because no matter how cold my hands are, I feel alive.

I will smile because spring is one day closer.

I will smile because I am living my dream.

And I will smile because there is no reason not to.

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