216 results for author: Colin Harris

Day 5 – Rest Day (total – 103.6 km)

Walking, running, walking dogs, swimming in summer, peddle-biking… Why is getting outside important? To be healthy To get fit To get sunshine To get a tan! To lose that last 10 pounds! Day 5 – day off (total – 103.6 km) It was surprisingly disappointing not to run today.  It was a scheduled day off but it has been the most beautiful day so far and it would have been great to get some miles in under the nice sun.  However, I did meet with over 100 students today from grades 1-6 for a quick chat at Tricentia Academy in Arnold’s Cove.  When asked what they liked to do outside, answers ranged from walking to swimming in ...

Day 4 – 13.6 km (total – 103.6 km)

Today is my mom’s birthday… happy birthday Mom! My mom and dad worked in Drumheller, Alberta when I was born in December, way back in the 70’s! As with any new mom, she was given loads of advice as to how to parent. Everyone has their two cents when it comes to raising a child! With being the first of three, she was learning as she went, but she did pay heed to some advice from an elderly woman who lived in town. She told my mom to keep me outside as much as possible, even in the winter, so that I would adjust to the cold climate of the west. So every day, my mom would bundle me up and take me for walks around the Badlands. She was ...

Day 3 – 32 km (total – 90 km)

Today was the first day running on the Trans Canada Highway. I was a bit apprehensive at first, but as the morning progressed, it felt like my runs in Haliburton except with faster cars and bigger trucks. Most of today was divided highway and I ran facing traffic as I will do this entire run. The shoulders were good… plowed well enough to run on the pebble off the paved shoulder, which I like. I got some honks today… 7 to be precise. 4 waves and 2 thumbs up. We parked in the Foodland lot in Whitbourne… a very small town. I went in to ask if we could park overnight… the lady told me she saw me on tv… “You’re the guy running! Take me ...

NTV News Interview

Thanks to NTV for covering the start of TMO's Run Across Canada

Day 2 – 29.2 km (total – 58km)

Emilee is a grade 6 student at Holy Family Elementary and after a little chat from me to the school, she responded with the following… she gave me a copy so that I could share it with you! Hello, my name is Emilee Heffern. I am a grade six student at Holy Family Elementary, and I am representing the student body in my message. Today I am here to talk to you about the inspiration it is to be a part of the Take Me Outside program. My response to you is that children of Canada are spending too much time inside and not getting the right amount of outdoor activity you need every day. I believe that everyone spends too much time in front of the ...

Interview with VOCM News

I had an opportunity to speak with a reporter from VOCM News today. The following video is their report!

Emilee Heffern – Paradise, NL

Emilee is a grade 6 student at Holy Family Elementary and after a little chat from me to the school, she responded with the following… she gave me a copy so that I could share it with you! Hello, my name is Emilee Heffern.  I am a grade six student at Holy Family Elementary, and I am representing the student body in my message.  Today I am here to talk to you about the inspiration it is to be a part of the Take Me Outside program. My response to you is that children of Canada are spending too much time inside and not getting the right amount of outdoor activity you need every day.  I believe that everyone spends too much time in front of the ...

Day 1 – 28.8 km (total – 28km)

It was a windy morning in St. John's, but a beautiful blue sky hugged the horizon of the North Atlantic as I looked out from Signal Hill.  Today simply has been overwhelming... so many emotions and yet a busy day that kept my mind somewhat distracted from the big picture, which was probably a good thing!  I said a few words on Signal Hill (which I'll post soon), and then ran to down to the Terry Fox memorial for a brief word there.  I was too young to fully remember his run, but I have certainly read enough and seen enough to appreciate why he is such an important Canadian.  And while no one will duplicate what he did for this country, I think ...

Beattie Garden – Kamloops BC

James Gordon lives in Kamloops, BC and is a father of two sons.  This is an initiative he took on with his sons' school during his Master's program. The Beattie School of the Arts Outdoor Garden Classroom was officially started June 11, 2009. It started as a Masters program project and has since developed into a much loved and important part of this neighbourhood K to 7 school of 300+ students. The garden bed started as an old sand volleyball court and is now an organic vegetable and flower garden with sunflowers, potatoes, tomatoes, strawberries, broccoli, corn, zucchini, pumpkins, onions, herbs and more. It is part of regular school activities ...

A Few More Days

Well, after 15 years of dreaming about this and the past year spent planning it, I sit in St. John’s, NL days away from beginning this run across Canada. As we took the ferry on Tuesday from Sydney, NS to Port-Au-Basques, NL, I watched the big swells of the North Atlantic and thought… “there’s no turning back now”! I have been overwhelmed the last couple of weeks with last minute details, stuff that should be ready that isn’t and things I should know but don’t! I am learning the true meaning of the 11th hour. And I am learning that fulfilling this dream and taking the message of getting children and youth outside across the country ...