Day 2 – 29.2 km (total – 58km)
Emilee is a grade 6 student at Holy Family Elementary and after a little chat from me to the school, she responded with the following… she gave me a copy so that I could share it with you!
Hello, my name is Emilee Heffern. I am a grade six student at Holy Family Elementary, and I am representing the student body in my message. Today I am here to talk to you about the inspiration it is to be a part of the Take Me Outside program.
My response to you is that children of Canada are spending too much time inside and not getting the right amount of outdoor activity you need every day. I believe that everyone spends too much time in front of the television, texting, playing on the computer and playing video games all day long. Instead of doing any of these indoor activities, you should be outside in the fresh air. Even a long walk with friends is a very good suggestion.
Canadian lives are shortened due to the lack of daily exercise. Canadians need to learn that you need to get more than one hour of daily activity.
This year of 2011 our principal, Mrs. Elkins has been inspiring the children of Holy Family Elementary to exercise more often. We have started a morning exercise program in the gym for grades one to six. We also go outside when it is above -10 at lunch and sometimes for gym, we go on walks, we have intramurals for lunch. We hold a after school sports program and we also hold a Eastern Active School Activities program (this includes exercises throughout the day.)
I agree that the lives of Canadians of this generation are shortened because of the amount of indoor activity. Instead of watching TV you should go for a walk, and if you have a dog go ahead walk it! I’m sure he/she might need some exercise to! Instead of texting, go to the park with some friends or siblings! Just get outside, have fun, be active! Come on students of Holy Family, it’s our turn to get outside, LET’S GET MOVING!!!
By: Emilee Heffern