216 results for author: Colin Harris

Day 14 – day off (total – 287.2 km)

Note to self – don’t get injured too often, because hanging out in the parking lot of Walmart for 36 hours only provides so much entertainment!  I’ll admit to having certain opinions about this corporate giant, but I will say this… when it is the place in town that is open the earliest and the latest and has a warm, clean bathroom to use, it wins marks for both me and Sarah.  As much fun as it is being in nature, doing your “business” in January can sometimes just be cold! Lots of stretching today along with rest… we got a lot of laundry done so the RV smells surprisingly fresh! We have tested out 3 different plug-in heaters ...

Day 13 – 9 km (total – 287.2 km)

Today’s run just didn’t feel right.  The outside of my right knee was tender and it’s likely my IT band having issues.  So Sarah picked me up and we drove the 40ish kilometers to Gander to take a couple of days off.  On one hand it’s disheartening after the amount of training I’ve put in over the last year, but injuries were bound to happen over the next 9 months, so I’m trying not to get too worked up about it. In all likelihood, I may have had to stop running anyway.  When we arrived in Gander, it started snowing quite heavily and has been doing so all day.  There is already about 15-20 cm of accumulation and it’s not over ...

Day 12 – 24.4 km (total – 278.2 km)

A little video blog entry today.  A lot of people have been encouraging me to do these, so you may start to see more of these as time allows.  Todays started off as a good day, but went somewhat downhill.  Enjoying the town of Glovertown though and the beautiful trails it has to offer!  Glovertown has a fantastic website that you'll want to explore!  You can find it at http://glovertown.net

Day 11 – Rest Day (total – 253.8 km)

Yesterday after running from Port Blandford, we arrived at Terra Nova National Park and settled in ready to enjoy a day off! Terra Nova is the most easterly National Park in Canada. The Park was established in 1957 and protects 402 square kilometres of the unique ecology of the island boreal forest of eastern Newfoundland. Today, I had the chance to explore just a piece of it around Newman Sound campground.  

CBC Radio Interview

Before the ran began, nearly two weeks ago, Bill Roach, one of the hosts  of Mainstreet on CBC Radio 1 was kind enough to bring me into the  studio to interview me for the upcoming Take Me Outside Run Across  Canada.  People have been requesting this interview, so we've embedded a  copy below.  We've also included a screenshot displaying the original audio story embedded inside of the CBC Radio website.

Day 10 – 27.2 km (total – 253.8 km)

Last night we were parked in the back of an Iriving gas station in Port Blandford.  Today was supposed to be a day off from running, but my legs felt good and Terra Nova National Park was so close, so I decided to run as far as I could so we could get into the Park.  And did it ever pay off!  I put in 27 km and then we found Newman Sound campground.  Alexis at the Administrative office directed us to our piece of paradise… a plowed, sanded spot for the RV, right across from a bathroom and shower.  A SHOWER!  2nd one in a week and a half… I might even have another one tomorrow!  Koona and I went for a lovely walk as the sun set, and ...

Day 9 – 31.6 km (total – 226.6 km)

  Last night, we got that phone call we had been anticipating for a couple of months.  Aviva called to say we were not one of the projects that would receive funding.  To be honest, both Sarah and I felt it most deeply because of all the time and effort that all of our friends had given to get us to the finals.  There was a sense that the last couple of months was a collective effort and through the emails we’ve received today, it was a shared disappointment with the news that came.  In a way, it was comforting to share that disappointment with friends who were thousands of kilometers away. But this morning, we went in to Claren...

Day 8 – 20.3 km (total – 195 km)

We’ve officially started our 2nd week and in some ways we feel like we’re establishing some routines… in other ways, not so much!  Last night in Clarenville, we were parked at the back of  Canadian Tire gas station.  Snow turned to freezing rain and our propane ran out at midnight.  Both Sarah and I have good sleeping bags, so being warm throughout the night wasn’t the issue.  However, the wind was!  Gusts of up to 100 km/hr were rocking the RV back and forth.  And you know when you’re in and out of sleep and somewhat cognizant of reality?!  Well, I was convinced the RV was going to be blown on its side… needless to say it was ...

Day 7 – 35.7 km (total – 174.7 km)

Today’s happenings in point form! woke up at 7:30 and walked Koona ran 15 km from Southern Harbour popped into RV at 15 km… stretched and ate some orange slices, chocolate milk and bananas ran about 10 more k’s stopped at the Orange store for some lunch – chips and guacamole and turkey sandwich (thanks Sarah!) Koona met another husky on our short walk around the parking lot and was actually pleasant! Short nap Ran another 10 and change Snow started at end of run and so a decision was made to drive 16k to Clarenville (an actual city) in case we got snowed in. Great walk with Koona through the snow Talked Sarah into ...

Day 6 – 35.4 km (total – 139 km)