Day 7 – 35.7 km (total – 174.7 km)


A walk through some woods in Clarenville

Today’s happenings in point form!

  • woke up at 7:30 and walked Koona
  • ran 15 km from Southern Harbour
  • popped into RV at 15 km… stretched and ate some orange slices, chocolate milk and bananas
  • ran about 10 more k’s
  • stopped at the Orange store for some lunch – chips and guacamole and turkey sandwich (thanks Sarah!)
  • Koona met another husky on our short walk around the parking lot and was actually pleasant!
  • Short nap
  • Ran another 10 and change
  • Snow started at end of run and so a decision was made to drive 16k to Clarenville (an actual city) in case we got snowed in.
  • Great walk with Koona through the snow
  • Talked Sarah into eating out… I know… bad.  But had the seafood platter – so good!!
  • Parked in the back of Canadian Tire gas station watching the snow accumulate
  • Ready for bed and hoping roads are clear tomorrow!

Ice formations outside Ivany’s Cove

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