216 results for author: Colin Harris

Day 94/95 – 12.3 km (total – 2207.1 km)

Let me first start by saying I love winter.  I really do.  It’s been my favourite season for a long time and I’m sure it will continue to be in years to come.  It’s one of the reasons that I was okay starting this run across the country in January.  But when blizzard-like conditions hit yesterday on April 20 in Levis, Quebec, I start to lose my cool.  And possibly my sanity.  And I don’t want to complain… wait… maybe I do.  Maybe I want to tell you how difficult it is to sleep when big machines are plowing the parking lot all night long.  Beep, beep, beep.  It brought Sarah and I back to many of our nights in Newfoundland. ...

Day 93 – 43.5 km (total – 2194.8 km)

I spent a lot of time yelling at the wind yesterday (while I was enjoying the views!).  But today, although there was still a headwind, it wasn’t nearly as strong or cold.  It was a sunny day, but I definitely find myself scratching my head as to where spring is.  I get the sense there are a few people across the country perhaps asking the same question! Today I ended the run on the outskirts of St. Vallier.  We are in the middle of farmland with the St. Lawrence beside us and my memories brought me to one occasion of my time on a farm that left a lasting impression.  I was about 13, living in Winnipeg and one of my best friends had a ...

Day 91/92 – 62.8 km (total – 2151.3 km)

Yesterday with lights flashing at the side of the TCH, I was asked to get into the back of the police car.  It seemed this particular officer didn’t see eye to eye with the officer the previous day who had told me I could run the TCH until it intersected with another highway that would allow me to run parallel to it.  After pleading my case and getting a firm “no”, I momentarily thought about running… ya know, in the name of the project!  I thought it might not hurt to get the officer outside and even active as he chased me.  I could be yelling “Take Me Outside!” in attempts of giving a whole new slant to the motto. I slipped into ...

The Standard Freeholder

 CORNWALL -- Longue Sault Public School is working on a brand new development by doing what it can to incorporate more outdoor activities. The staff at Longue Sault Public School is looking forward to having Colin Harris, an athlete who is running across Canada, explain the importance of outdoor playtime in a child's daily routine in the month of May. Harris is currently spending his time running across Canada, visiting schools across the country, encouraging kids to go outside and be active with his program "Take Me Outside". "This sedentary lifestyle is leading to a general decrease in kids' health," stated Harris on his website. The ...

Day 90 – 45.6 km (total – 2088.5 km)

Today was a good running day.  Legs felt good.  Nice temperature to run in.  And I got pulled over the police for the second time in a week.  Apparently you’re not allowed to run or cycle on the TCH in Quebec.  Well… not entirely true.  The officer told me that the RV could drive behind me with the flashers on and that would be ok.  I wasn’t interested in arguing, but I am a good 14 feet away from traffic while the RV would be just feet away from the lane of speeding vehicles.  Rules are rules… for now at least!  There is a secondary highway that runs parallel to the TCH and actually hugs the St. Lawrence River as well, so it ...

Day 88/89 – 34.9 km (total – 2042.9 km)

Did someone say spring is coming?!  It’s a beautiful day here in Riviere-Du-Loup, but a cold day more reminiscent of winter than spring! We arrived here yesterday after a run that included being pulled over by the police!  I was running along when the flashing lights of the car pulled up beside me.  They started asking me a question in French.  I understood enough to realize they were asking if I owned the RV ahead.  The conversation changed to English as both officers spoke much better English than I did French!  I told them the quick version of TMO and immediately they shook my hand.  They gave me a business card and told me that the ...

Day 86/87 – 80.3 km (total – 2008 km)

The last couple of days have been significant for me for a few reasons.  First, I crossed the border into Quebec yesterday, which felt great!  And this afternoon, I ran past the 2000 kilometre mark since starting this journey almost 3 months ago.  And to remind me of that start in Newfoundland, it snowed today!  But while running the last couple of days, my mind has primarily been on Terry Fox, who started his journey 31 years ago yesterday, in St. John’s, NL. It’s a little difficult to share some of those thoughts.  I have no interest in drawing comparisons between what he did and what I’m doing.  But I will say that on that first ...

Day 84/85 – 15 km (total – 1927.7 km)

Yesterday was a short 15k run into Edmundston where it was a beautiful spring day.  I took Koona for a walk and was amazed to still see 3 feet of snow in people’s front yards!  Sarah was able to find us a free room at the Comfort Inn so it was a chance to put up the feet and have the first shower in over a week.  It has felt like a long week out on the road since leaving Fredericton and I’ll admit to enjoying some of the amenities that a city has to offer. This morning we visited with Saint Mary’s Academy, the only English speaking school in Edmundston.  It has about 150 students total from K-12.  When I spoke with the students in ...

Day 83 – 49.3 km (total – 1912.7 km)

A wee bit exhausted on this Saturday evening… Hope everyone’s enjoying the weekend!

Day 82 – 47.8 km (total – 1863.4 km)

Today was another beautiful day with a bright sun and a cool wind.  There is definitely a routine that comes with each day, but because I am running somewhere new every day, there are always new things to look at!  I suppose it’s the advantage to having a running route for 8 months that never repeats itself. This afternoon I was chugging along when I noticed a dead coyote on the side of the highway.  I have seen several animals in the past couple of months that were victim to the big cars and trucks of the asphalt.  I stopped and had a moment with the animal – thinking about its life and the tragic end to it.  Even as it lay on the ...