56 results for browsing: Unknown

The Kootenay-Boundary Environmental Education Initiative

The Kootenay-Boundary Environmental Education Initiative (KBEE) is coordinated by a committee of the Kootenay-Boundary Chapter of the British Columbia School Superintendents Association (BCSSA). This includes School Districts 5, 6, 8, 10, 20 and 51. The goal of the KBEE is to better support students’ understanding of their local environment and empower thoughtful action, through learning that is outdoor, experiential, place-based and place-conscious.

Invasive Species Council of BC

ISCBC’s mission is to take action to build healthy landscapes, including habitats and communities, through education and responsible practices to prevent the spread of invasive species. Through our Invasive-Wise Education program we provide free curriculum-linked lesson plans, resources, virtual classroom visits and professional development to educators across BC so they can guide the next generation of environmental stewards to help protect biodiversity against invasive species.

Environmental Educators’ Provincial Specialist Association

EEPSA Goals : 1. Assist educators with curriculum support, professional development and networking opportunities to members across the province. 2. Build partnerships and collaborations with other place-based, EE stakeholders. 3. Promote greater awareness, understanding and appreciation of the environment and nurture skills in teachers to use Place-Based Education (PBE).

Classrooms to Communities (C2C) Education Network

Water Rangers

Water Rangers mission is to lower barriers so that everyone can participate in water quality monitoring to gather missing water health data. Youth of all ages can get to know water bodies and understand when they’re healthy or need our help. We believe that when people spend time outdoors getting to know water bodies, they’re more willing to help when it’s needed.


Strong Nations Publishing Inc.

Room To Play

Room to Play is an independent education consultancy supporting systems of schooling to re-imagine where and how learning happens in elementary schools. Megan Zeni is a PhD candidate researching pedagogies of place and play at the University of British Columbia. Learn more at https://meganzeni.com

Project WET Canada

Project WET Canada is a fun, hands-on, inquiry learning based, water education program for Kindergarten to Grade 12 students. It is designed for use by both formal and non-formal educators to supplement the existing provincial and territorial curricula in science, environmental and outdoor education, social studies, language arts, math, health and wellness and career education. It is suitable for both indoor and outdoor learning environments. Project WET offers Certification Workshops for all of their educator guides.

Project Learning Tree