Lighting The Fire

lightingtheflameWhen the ’88 Olympics were in Calgary, the torch made its way across Canada, similar to the recent Vancouver Games. I was in grade 7 and living in Winnipeg. Our school was let out midday to walk over to Portage Ave. where the torch relay was taking place. We all had mini torches in hand – ready to have them lit by the official torch.
Portage Avenue was buzzing and as I got my mini torch lit, I began to run with the entourage that surrounded the real torch, as did many of my classmates. But I found myself continuing to run, and run and run. My classmates had turned around to walk back to school, but on a cold winter day, I ran to the city limits of Winnipeg along with that torch. I wanted to keep running… and I did, until the runner with the torch hopped into the back of a truck and drove away. I don’t know what possessed me to run that far on that particular day, but in retrospect, that was the beginning of my dream to run across this country.

I don’t know what  possessed me to run that far on that particular day,  but in retrospect,  that was the beginning of my dream to run across  this country.

Is it  early October and I feel fortunate to be training in the Haliburton  Highlands where I live. I explored an old logging road the other day off  the highway and ran into a moose about 4 kilometres in. Yesterday, I  ran up a local ski hill by my house and was in awe of the fall colours  tucked in behind Eagle Lake. The contrast of burnt oranges, yellows and  scarlet reds against a crisp blue sky give me a needed reminder of how  beautiful this country is. I am fortunate to have this as my backyard.  And as I put in my miles, somewhat begrudgingly at times, I remember  that day in Winnipeg and realize how happy I am to be chasing my dream.

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