Day 94/95 – 12.3 km (total – 2207.1 km)

Sarah and I heard this snow being piled all night long!

Sarah and I heard this snow being piled all night long!

Let me first start by saying I love winter.  I really do.  It’s been my favourite season for a long time and I’m sure it will continue to be in years to come.  It’s one of the reasons that I was okay starting this run across the country in January.  But when blizzard-like conditions hit yesterday on April 20 in Levis, Quebec, I start to lose my cool.  And possibly my sanity.  And I don’t want to complain… wait… maybe I do.  Maybe I want to tell you how difficult it is to sleep when big machines are plowing the parking lot all night long.  Beep, beep, beep.  It brought Sarah and I back to many of our nights in Newfoundland.  Maybe I want to tell you what living in an RV with no real heat is like – how much a vehicle can rock back and forth in the wind.  I should really stop… there are worse things.  There really are.  But I’m realizing how profoundly the weather is affecting me.  I feel more connected to the weather than I’ve ever been.  And I’m sure once this whole experience is done, there will be some good introspection that happens in regards to my relationship with the weather.  But for now, Take Me Outside really wants to be inside!  Well, that’s not entirely true.  TMO would be grateful if spring was actually spring.  Koona has lost her winter coat and it just doesn’t seem right that a husky is shivering at the end of April!  Anyway, I’m sure spring is just around the corner… so I’m told!  In the meantime, I’m going to go outside, make a snowball (hopefully my last one) and try to knock some sense into Mother Nature.  I know… bad idea!

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