Day 106/107 – 70 km (total – 2642.5 km)

Highlights from the last 36 hours…

1.     Early yesterday morning, I ran into Ontario!  It felt incredible and I was smiling ear to ear.

2.     Sarah picked me up shortly after and we drove to Long Sault, just west of Cornwall to visit Long Sault Public School.


3.     The day was amazing… we had an assembly and then Sarah and I went out for lunch recess with all the students… in the rain… and had a blast!  After lunch, we had been scheduled to do some activities with the grade 4-6’s.  The teachers asked them if they wanted to come inside because it was raining pretty hard, but they all were adamant on staying outside!  So Sarah and I did some big group games and initiatives with them for about an hour.  It was SO MUCH FUN!

4.     The gymnasium was covered with posters and pictures and notes that students had made to welcome us, which were amazing!

5.     The students sang us a song at the end of the assembly about Long Sault… incredible!


6.     Keri helped organize this school visit.  She has helped us with our communication piece over the past 5 months and her two kids go to the school.  The staff at LSPS were amazing and so supportive of this project.  They had exposed the students to the project over the previous couple of weeks, so there really was a sense of excitement in the air.

7.     While we were playing outside, we noticed the RV had a flat tire.  But this time, we didn’t have to fix it!  Thanks to Keri and Rick’s auto, it was all taken care of in no time… thank you!


8.     Sarah and I headed back to Keri’s house with her family and enjoyed an amazing dinner!  (such a good cook!!)  The doorbell kept ringing throughout the evening of various kids in the neighbourhood who wanted to stop by and say hi… and see the dogs!!

9.     Pancakes and quiche for breakfast!  Sure beats the bagel with peanut butter I usually make in the morning!


10. Headed back this morning to our end point from the day before and started in on the run.  Was able to put in 49 k today.

11. The RV ended up with another two flat tires today… unbelievable!  Sarah spent the afternoon waiting for a tow truck and getting the tires fixed.  That makes 7 flat tires in 4 months!


I can’t  express how grateful we are to Long Sault Public School for the welcome  they gave us yesterday.  The staff were so great and the students were  incredible.  We could feel the energy of this small community school and  the interactions exchanged yesterday will be remembered for a long  time.  A special thanks to Keri, Dwayne, Noelan and Ana-Grace for their  generousity!

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