216 results for author: Colin Harris

Perth EMC

EMC News - Colin Harris is turning his "personal dream" to run all the way across Canada into an opportunity to deliver an inspirational message to young people. The Haliburton, Ontario resident set out from Newfoundland Jan. 17 with the goal of running all the way to British Columbia by September. Along the way he has been stopping at as many schools as possible to explain the benefits of a more active lifestyle. Harris spoke to the EMC during a visit to St. John Elementary School in Perth Monday, May 16. Harris has worked at an outdoor education centre in Haliburton for the past nine years. "I basically have seen first hand the benefits ...

Day 121/122 – 80.5 km (total – 2918 km)

Near the end of yesterday’s run, I met Paul on H7.  He was out for a walk.  He asked where I was running and then what I was running for.  After I gave him the brief version, he proceeded to give me his two cents for the next 20 minutes.  It became apparent quickly that he was an opinionated man!  He talked about technology and his minimalist approach to using it.  He talked about food and lectured me on drinking chocolate milk after my runs… said the only thing I should be drinking is distilled water.  It was a bit of a one-sided conversation but I was happy to listen, as he seemed like an interesting character.  I wanted to talk to ...

BNTV Brock News

Mallorytown - Colin Harris wants to take your kids away from their video games and get them reconnected with the great outdoors. The 36-year-old Haliburton native is so serious about the obesity epidemic among today’s youth, he is running across Canada to raise awareness about the need for kids to get outside and get active. Harris has launched the run as part of his Take Me Outside campaign. He began his adventure in St. John’s, Newfoundland in January and plans to celebrate its conclusion on Vancouver Island in September. During his run, the outdoor educator is stopping to talk with students at schools across Canada about the need to ...

Day 120 – 46.7 km (total – 2837.5 km)

This morning started with a great visit to St. Francis School in Smiths Falls!  The energy of the students was great… and Sarah and I may have met our new favourite VP – Brent!  Amazing enthusiasm and a sharp tongue that left us in stitches! I started running late morning from where I had left of on Sunday and got in a solid 46 k.  My friend Erin joined drove up form Kingston with her boyfriend Sean and her sister Heather.  She joined me for the last couple of kilometers which was great as I was struggling to finish!  After a quick walk of the dogs, we joined them as well as a couple of other friends, Leigh and Christine, at the ...

Day 118/119 – 34.1 km (total – 2790.8 km)

Pictures can tell the story today of our visits to Stewart School and St. John Elementary School in Perth.  Thanks to Nicole and David from the Health Unit for coming out to support the project and to Linda McLennan for welcoming us at Stewart School.  Special thanks to the Jeaner for hosting us and feeding us last night and for setting up a great walk outside with the students at St. John’s.  We had a chance to visit with her grade 2 class at the end of the day and every student should have a Mrs. Hebert in their lives!

Day 116/117 – 73.1 km (total – 2756.7 km)

Arriving on Parliament Hill yesterday was a personal highlight that held a fair degree of significance.  Once I hit the Canal, memories flooded back of the races I’ve done in Ottawa over the years.  My friend Laura joined me for a bit and then I met up with my best friend Dave.  We had a moment at the drill hall just south of Laurier, where we both did Changing of the Guard.  That march up to Parliament Hill for 3 summers was a fun job!  And regardless of political views, the Hill is an impressive sight.  I remember being proud to be Canadian as I marched with the band, playing my trombone in the front row.  Standing on the grass playing ...

Day 114/115 – Renfrew County

The last couple of days have been full of energetic students who are loving this warm weather!  Yesterday I drove to Deep River to visit with students at T.W Morison School.  The connections were interesting… Anne is a mother whose kids attend the school and found out about our project through my friend Sarah who worked at Wanakita with me a couple of years ago.  And our partner organization is KidActive which is run by Shawna, who also has kids at Morison!  I came back to the school in the evening and had a good chat with some parents and the principal of the school, Ivan.  There were some good ideas generated throughout the hour and a ...

St. Lawrence EMC

EMC Events - Being a kid growing up today is much different than in past  generations. Most of us remember playing outside all day long when we  were children and not coming home until the street lights came on.  Today's children and youth are spending much more time indoors in front  of screens. The 2011 Active Healthy Kids Canada Report Card on Physical Activity for Children and Youth reports that on average Canadian children are getting six hours of screen time per day on weekdays and over seven hours on weekends. Increased parental concerns about safety and supervision also play a role in the declining rates of outdoor play time. As ...

Day 113 – Healthy Women!

Over  the past few months I’ve gotten to know a couple of Public Health  Nurses who work out of the Health Unit for the Brockville surrounding  area.  I met Diana Steadman at a conference last fall and she has been a  constant supporter of this project.  She works with Nicole Tobias  Last  Friday, she went into one of her schools, St. John Bosco, and led a  Take Me Outside Walk-A-Thon!  So it was really fun for her to have set  the stage for TMO coming to the school today!  When we arrived, the  students were already outside having recess so I was able to join in an  intense soccer game!  And there was great energy in the gym when ...

Day 112 – The Capital

Today has turned into one of the more beautiful days yet.  I’m hoping I can continue to say the in the coming weeks!  This morning, I visited Manor Park Public School and had a great time with about 500 students.  As the weather turns warmer, you can just feel the energy of students wanting to be outside.  I usually try to ask students what they enjoy doing outside.  Today, the majority of hands went up in the air – there was a lot of excitement for riding bikes, climbing trees and skateboarding!  The principal introduced to me to Storm, a grade 3 student.  He looked like he could have been in grade 6 he was so tall!  She shared with ...