46 results for group: intermediate

Traditional Games in the Classroom

This hands on interactive workshop will showcase several traditional games and how they align with current curricula and how they can be a valuable resource. Children of all ages love the games and the learning and teachings are broad and dynamic.

Etaumptumk in the classroom

I will have an outdoor activity that will help take the etuaptmumk into the classroom. I will provide a discussion about how to incorporate indigenous knowledge into a respectful space and to provide an activity about respect for the environment. To create a land acknowledgment that is authentic as a participant, in each territory. I will be sharing how to connect to traditional knowledge and elders but also knowledge keepers and to create a learning environment that is respectful and responsive and an ongoing relationship. I will show how land based learning can be beneficial to all students either indigenous or not. Making connections to the space ...

Core Routines for Connecting and Learning with and on the Land

This session will focus on core routines and resources for land based, outdoor learning and incorporating Indigenous ways of knowing. Experience some of the protocols and strategies that teachers who teach outdoors everyday use to help children connect with land in meaningful ways, and establish intentional, effective outdoor learning environments.

No more playing Indian: Addressing the colonial legacy of Indigenous-themed summer camps in Canada

Through a critical examination of the colonial underpinnings and assumptions of the camping movement in general and Camp Chief Hector specifically, Dr. Brown and Dr. Bensler will reflect on the ways camp shaped their white settler identity and relationship to Indigenous peoples and Land. They will share their stories of how the colonial curriculum at camp taught them a version of history that upholds white-settler colonial dominance and maintains Indigenous peoples’ invisibility. They will also suggest ways that camps can take accountability for their past and move forward more ethically and responsibly, based on their experience in a reconciliat...

Educating the hearts of youth to promote nature stewardship

In our technology-driven world, we need to ensure that youth, our future leaders, are connected to nature. In this workshop, hosted by Outward Bound Canada in collaboration with the Nature Education Collective (NEC), participants will experience the immediate benefits of learning in nature through simple outdoor activities. They will learn about the many benefits of outdoor education for students, such as social-emotional skills and improved mental health, and recognize how important emotional connections to nature are for environmental conservation. They will also learn how to collect and analyze data to demonstrate the value of outdoor education and ...

Land-based Learning: An inquiry about relationships, the environment and our students

Join us for a presentation about how school staff and community members explored what land-based learning could look like from kindergarten to grade 12; situated in a remote, Yukon community. We explored place-based literacy and numeracy, while connecting relationships to local First Nation’s culture, language and its connections to the land to build real world inquires related to how teaching and learning might look different beyond the walls of the classroom.

Climate Learning Takes Root in Climate Action

Eco-anxiety has become a prevalent force facing students learning about climate change and environmental issues. This session will explore the importance of connecting students to opportunities for taking climate action as a tool against feelings of eco-anxiety. Students participating in climate action are able to root their learning to real experiences and people who are working for a better future. We hope to expand and compliment your bank of resources for outdoor learning and inspire you to involve your students in climate action that will deepen their connection to their community and outdoor spaces.

Forest and Nature School for All

Dynamics of power and privilege created by colonialism and white supremacy culture have seen the Forest and Nature School (FNS) movement thrive to serve mostly white, settler families across Turtle Island. Together, we will unpack questions of for whom and by whom when creating forest and nature school programs, while deepening awareness around how to dismantle white supremacy culture and decolonize outdoor programming. Through storytelling, play, and considering the ways power and trust play a role in outdoor learning, this workshop aims to collaboratively build knowledge towards creating safer and braver outdoor spaces for BIPOC children and ...

One year in: Our journey launching the Canadian Centre for Outdoor Play

Outdoor play and learning in the early years are essential for physical, mental and environmental health and development. However, efforts and best practices surrounding outdoor early childhood education (ECE) learning and play are rarely shared across sectors to effect sustained change. In 2023 we launched the Canadian Centre for Outdoor Play, a centre of excellence in outdoor practice, research, and policy to mainstream outdoor play and learning. One year into this project, we aim to use this workshop to share our progress and seek input from all those in attendance, including on the launch of our national outdoor ECE framework.

Red River Métis Environment and Climate Change Education

The Manitoba Métis Federation (MMF), the National Government of the Red River Métis, will engage delegates in a hybrid workshop to, first, gain a deeper understanding of the Red River Métis and their unique history in Canada. Then, showcase hands-on, cultural activities as part of the MMF’s Métis Environmental Leaders of Tomorrow (MELT), Métis Community-Based Climate Monitoring (MCBCM), and Stewards of the Homeland (SOHP) Programs in an outdoor setting; MELT has a focus on environment and climate change education for Youth in grade school (K-12), MCBCM has a focus on environment and climate change education and monitoring for Citizens, and SOHP ...