6 results for group: deep-dive

How Do I Teach This Outside? Outdoor Literacy Instruction Meets the Science of Reading Movement

Many schools and teachers are changing their approach to literacy instruction in response to the science of reading movement. These new practices may seem difficult to take outside. In this workshop, participants will actively explore practical ways to practice phonics skills, engage in word study, build vocabulary, boost reading and language comprehension, and encourage richer writing. Learn how the outdoor learning environment near your school can provide an authentic context for beginning readers and writers and provide experiences that are essential for building language and reading comprehension.

Nature Journaling as a Tool for Connection & Conservation

How can using an arts-based practice of reflection create a stronger ecological identity? We will make time to slow down and intentionally connect deeper to place through the practice of nature journaling. How can a stronger ecological identity strengthen the overall resiliency of teachers? How can the products of art practice act as an invitation to fellow educators to strengthen their connection and understanding of their sense of place?

A Day in the Life of a NES Wild Student!

Are you ready to embark on your outdoor learning adventure? Join grade 4 teachers Landis Burr and Katie Douglas as they walk you through a typical afternoon in Nakoda Elementary School’s outdoor learning program, NES Wild. Gain practical strategies, pedagogical approaches, and innovative activities that seamlessly integrate into the curriculum. Beyond theoretical concepts, this workshop places tangible, hands-on resources in your grasp, ensuring that participants leave with a wealth of curriculum-based activities ready to be implemented with their own students. Join us in redefining education beyond the classroom walls!

A Walking Curriculum for the Early Years: Learn What It’s All About

Participants in this interactive, indoor and outdoor session will learn all about the newly released Walking Curriculum for the Early Years: Developing a Sense of Place by Sparking Curiosity and Wonder. This innovative, interdisciplinary resource designed specifically for Early Years educators, outlines an imaginative and ecological approach to taking student learning outside school walls. Specifically, it shapes A Walking Curriculum: Evoking Wonder and Developing Sense of Place K12 (Judson, 2018) for primary-aged learners. All three authors will be present to introduce the theory and practice of this imaginative ecological teaching resource. Dr. ...

How Does Vulnerability Show up in the Outdoors?

This session will provide the space to have brave conversations about how we include people with disabilities in the outdoors. It is the hope that participants will develop a sense of appreciation at the complexity of inclusion and a shift in thinking about people with disabilities.

A Meaningful Approach to Climate Change Education

Effective climate change education is about teaching our children to be informed, knowledgeable and involved outside in nature and their communities with a positive, solution-oriented mindset. This exciting opportunity is curriculum-connected, meaningful, motivating, memorable and centred on a place-based, experiential model. Come to this interactive session and learn more about empowering our students with climate change education that matters for people and planet!