A Walking Curriculum for the Early Years: Learn What It’s All About

Participants in this interactive, indoor and outdoor session will learn all about the newly released Walking Curriculum for the Early Years: Developing a Sense of Place by Sparking Curiosity and Wonder. This innovative, interdisciplinary resource designed specifically for Early Years educators, outlines an imaginative and ecological approach to taking student learning outside school walls. Specifically, it shapes A Walking Curriculum: Evoking Wonder and Developing Sense of Place K12 (Judson, 2018) for primary-aged learners. All three authors will be present to introduce the theory and practice of this imaginative ecological teaching resource. Dr. Gillian Judson will be on-site and Dr. Michelle McKay and Klara Redford will be zooming in from Ontario. Together they will address all your questions. Be ready to discuss how you can employ imagination, cognitive tools, the body and Place to cultivate your students’ sense of wonder and connection with the more-than-human world. Participants should be prepared to spend part of this session outdoors, trying the walks and engaging imagination.

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