Gail Whitlow

Gail’s home is here on the Six Nations of the Grand River First Nation.

Her mother’s bloodline extends back many generations as a Bear Clan (shaking the rattle) woman of the Haudenosaunee Confederacy. Her father was Mohawk, Turtle Clan, and she also honours her father’s grandfather who traveled to this land from Ireland and brought with him Celtic roots.

Gail is proud to be Kanienkehaka (Mohawk). Since she was 25 years old, her life has been dedicated to fostering traditional ceremonies that allow connection to Spirit.

Gail feels the power of this sacred land pulsing through her blood. “Our story here on turtle island is expressed in an oral tradition, passed through generations. The deep history steeped in rich culture. Our ancestors survived many changes and challenges but retain that deep connection to the land and spiritual knowledge.” Gail is a Medicine Woman with original instructions to support all peoples on their journey.

To read Gail’s full bio and to see her current projects, click here