Day 252-254 – 96.1 km (total – 6606.9 km)

Although the prairies had a brief heatwave last week, fall is definitely in the air here in Calgary.  As I was driving back from a school visit this afternoon, I could see the yellows and oranges of autumn making their mark.

This afternoon I was at Sherwood School in Calgary visiting some grade 5/6 students.  Jen, a friend from school who lives in Calgary was able to join me, and we sensed the energy and enthusiasm these students had.  Although elementary students are just below the age bracket for which research points to for screen time, the students are still surprised that the average hours spent in front of screens in a given week is 53.  And when we talk about what percentage of students who are meeting the guideline of an hour of moderate to vigorous physical activity a day, their jaws drop to find out it’s only 7%.  Thanks to Ms. Ketcheson for having me and for the “fuel” (ie – cookies!) as I continue to run west!

This morning I visited Colonel Walker Community School.  My friend Kristin teaches there although sadly, she had to be back in Ontario today.  But in chatting with the principal, I found out the students are running the Terry Fox run this coming Friday and a goal throughout the year is to focus on “footprints”.  What footprint did Terry Fox leave?  What footprint will these students leave?  I think it’s important question to ask of ourselves.  I suppose it is my hope that among those footprints that nourish and develop over the coming years, that there is a commitment to spend more time outside; a realization that all that sedentary time in front of screens isn’t all it’s cracked up to be.  With these younger students, those footprints have time to be influenced.  A growing trend of parents and an education system that sees the value of time spent outdoors might go a long way in creating some footprints that see physical activity and a connection with nature as integral to being a healthy human being.

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