Day 103/104 – 48 km (total – 2524.9 km)

Today, simply some pictures of my run through Montreal.  Thanks to my friend Lilith who came out to run about 7 k with me and show me some landmarks along  Sherbrook!  Best weather running day in three and a half months…

My day off yesterday in Parc Lafontaine... you'd think there was an event, but it was simply a beautiful day on Montreal was alive with people outside!

My day off yesterday in Parc Lafontaine… you’d think there was an event, but it was simply a beautiful day on Montreal was alive with people outside!

Olympic Stadium!

Olympic Stadium!

My friend Lilith who ran with me for part of the way through Montreal!

My friend Lilith who ran with me for part of the way through Montreal!

McGill University

McGill University

Musee des Beaux Arts

Musee des Beaux Arts

West end of Montreal, hitting the river. Gorgeous!

West end of Montreal, hitting the river. Gorgeous!

Beautiful sunset tonight!

Beautiful sunset tonight!


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