43 results for group: indigenous-learning

Encouraging a dialogue about getting children outside in ECE

Learning Outside Together: Incorporating Traditional Wisdom and Promising Practices to Futureproof Child Care Programs is an innovative on-line course that encourages educators to take children outside and learn from the land. Indigenous educators, outdoor educators, licensing officers, Elders and cultural advisors from around the province along with academics and researchers informed the development of this course.

Traditional Games – from acquisition of skills to cultural survival

This interactive workshop will not only showcase traditional games, but also look into the history and teachings of some of the 100+ games he knows of. Get ready for learning and laughing and be prepared for movement.

Integrating Land-Based Learning at the Secondary Level

Would you like to learn how to make land based learning a priority for secondary students? Do you wonder how to implement land based learning at a higher level? This workshop is designed to share best practices of creating, implementing and sustaining a land based program for secondary students . Participants will have opportunity to participate in land based activities while learning about the trials and tribulations of building and sustaining a secondary program that meets provincial requirements as well as the participant needs.