28 results for group: block-b

Documenting Children’s “Worlding”: Towards the Development of Common Worlds Pedagogical Documentation Practices

In this session, early childhood educators and professionals (post-secondary instructors, advocates, researchers) will gather to discuss pedagogical documentation in the context of nature-based programs. How can the experiences of children and the more-than-human both be represented in documentation? In this facilitated discussion, participants will be invited to share their current practices of documentation with the children in their care, as well as discuss examples of documentation provided. Informed by recent common worlds research, the aim of this session will be to inspire new perspectives, develop new practices, share and connect with each ...

Reading into Belonging and Well-being with Children’s Literature

Books can be an important vehicle for supporting a sense of belonging and well-being within a learning community. They can offer important invitations to discover, learn about, and discuss diverse perspectives. Have you thought critically about the books that you are bringing into your work with children? Who is represented within the books available in your classroom? In this workshop, we will explore some of the opportunities offered by children’s literature with regards to bringing diverse perspectives into outdoor experiences, take a closer look at some examples of children’s literature, and discuss tools that can help with selecting childre...

Hear and Now: Sound Mindfulness for Outdoor Learning Experiences

Discover the sound of peace and place in this outdoor, ‘ears’-on, immersive experience. Participants will engage in various contemplative listening activities grounded in audio-ecology. Culminating in a group rhythm-making circle using found materials, we will embark on an embodied journey through our sense of hearing to connect with nature, each other, and ourselves. A major component of wellbeing is the sense of belonging that comes with being part of something. Tuning into the reciprocal relationship of listening and being heard can open up many avenues of growth and learning for all people.

Nurturing Nature’s Joy

Reconnecting with the natural world is just as important for adults as it is for children. This workshop is dedicated to promoting the power of play within us, the adults, who will lead by example to inspire future generations to cherish and enjoy the wonders of nature and the outdoors. Through reconnecting with our personal 'why', sharing practical insights and reconnecting ourselves with the wonder of nature, this session will leave participants inspired and invigorated to continue to promote and celebrate the importance of outdoor nature play. This workshop will focus on nature as an overall experience that promotes curiosity, creativity and ...

The Evaluation of a Nature-Based Childcare Program: Findings, Lessons Learned and Next Steps

Childcare programs delivered outdoors can provide an opportunity to reintroduce, reinforce and supplement outdoor play during early childhood. In addition, outdoor childcare programs may positively affect practitioner wellbeing, professional engagement and the quality of education being delivered. However, there remains a gap in the literature regarding the health and developmental impacts of nature-based childcare programs and more research is needed. As part of the Canadian Centre for Outdoor Play, researchers at the Children’s Hospital of Eastern Ontario Research Institute are evaluating a nature-based childcare program in Ottawa, Ontario, ...

Nature Knows No Limits: Promoting Inclusion and Accessibility in Our Outdoor Classroom

Join us for an inspiring and informative workshop where we will explore the transformative power of outdoor education in promoting inclusion and accessibility for all students. In this workshop, we will delve into the realm of limitless possibilities that nature provides, regardless of physical abilities. Through engaging activities and captivating storytelling, we will highlight personal experiences working with neurodiverse students and students in wheelchairs. Discover how a year of learning outdoors can be successful and enriching, no matter the challenges or limitations faced by students. Participants will have the opportunity to gain practical ...

Walking Together: (Re)Connecting to the Land through Storytelling

Join us for an interactive storytelling of a new picture book, 'Walking Together,' co-written by Elder Albert Marshall and Louise Zimanyi, illustrated by Emily Kewageshig (Annick Press, 2023). Grounded in Etuaptmumk/Two-Eyed Seeing (in Mi'kmaq), the gift of multiple perspectives, follow young children connecting to the Land as spring unfolds with Robin's return, Frog's croaking and Maple tree's gift of sap. Through art and conversation, we explore how braiding Indigenous and non-Indigenous ways of knowing together through responsible and reciprocal relationships benefits all.

Actively Transforming a Space into a “PLACE”

This outdoor, hands-on, session will inspire you to better utilize your local natural spaces to deliver meaningful, creative outdoor learning. Together, we will consider a spectrum of nature experiences; a model of engagement, steeped in place-based learning principles and inquiry frameworks. The model also considers how to move provocations into knowledge building experiences, stewardship initiatives, and meaningful reciprocity. This session will showcase how student’s connection for their special place can then support deep care and engagement when visiting protected landscapes.

Playing, Learning & Growing in School Gardens

In this workshop, expert school garden educators will share their tested and effective core routines for engaging learners across the curriculum in natural spaces. Suitable for teachers with established gardens, as well as teachers who are still dreaming of a garden! Participants will leave with an understanding of the school garden as a metaphor for learning, and an appreciation for the magic that emerges when we slow down, look closely, and learn alongside our students. Bring your school garden questions!

Are you a boy or a girl? Creating safe and affirming programs for transgender, gender-creative and nonbinary children and staff

We step out onto the land together and many of us feel like we belong. But do our gender-creative, transgender and nonbinary children and staff experience that feeling of safety and belonging too? In this workshop, participants will gain knowledge of the intersecting identities transgender, gender-creative and nonbinary children and staff hold, and how this impacts their experience in outdoor programs. Together we’ll share structural changes, and strategies in play and story, for offering a safe and gender-affirming experience in learning on the land.