28 results for group: block-b
Active Hope: Practices to move through climate anxiety
Supporting educator well-being supports the education system. But what happens if the teachers and educators are grappling with climate anxiety? How do we teach the leaders of tomorrow when our own fear of the future stands in the way? You are not alone. Let's join together to learn practical habits to reframe climate anxiety as a healthy human response to the state of the planet and move through the discomfort to a place of active hope.
The workshop will lean into poetry, creative expression and authentic conversation - no experience necessary, all are welcome. The underlaying theory is informed by the influential "Four-fold Spiral" of ecophilo...
Pivoting in Place
Hoping to integrate nature and place-based learning into the curriculum meaningfully? Still trying to figure out where to start? In this workshop, Hillary will discuss her experiences developing place-based curricula in urban and non-urban settings highlighting the need to pivot based on what is accessible to educators and their students. Participants will also learn core routines depending on place and space and the importance of the emergent curriculum when looking to extend learning beyond the four walls of the classroom.
Traditional Games in the Classroom
This hands on interactive workshop will showcase several traditional games and how they align with current curricula and how they can be a valuable resource. Children of all ages love the games and the learning and teachings are broad and dynamic.
Kakyosin- Blackfoot Ways of Knowing
Immersive workshop delving into Kakyosin, the Blackfoot ways of knowing. In this workshop, we'll focus on three key aspects:
1. Issksiniip Coulee Walk: We will explore the traditional plants found in the area, explaining their uses, and sharing some of the traditional creation stories of the Siksikaitsitapi, the Blackfoot Confederacy.
2. Blackfoot Winter Count: Discover the captivating process behind creating our Blackfoot Winter Count, a historical record of our seasonal experiences.
3. Tipi Pole Harvesting: Learn about sustainable practices and cultural importance in harvesting tipi poles, emphasizing our environmental stewardship commitm...
Tetpawsuwakon – Living A Balanced Life
A personal journey of land-based education through the lens of Indigenous ways and knowing. Discussing, sharing and reliving our personal journeys and how it led to the importance of land based education, Indigenous perspectives, and being decolonized educators. The importance of story, song, language and how they all relate back to the land. As Indigenous people we are deeply rooted in these lands, so it is important to deepen that relationship with the land for ourselves and the next seven generations. Land-based education is grounded in culture and aims to strengthen educators and children’s relationship with the land and the land offers endless ...
Bridging Communities: A Journey of Reconciliation
Over the last four years, École Saint-Augustin has been on an exciting journey alongside the Conseil acadien de Rustico, engaging in a one-of-a-kind and transformative partnership. In alignment with the principles of truth and reconciliation, they together embarked on a unique collaboration with the Mi’kmaq First Nations community of Prince Edward Island. This exceptional initiative is crafted to strengthen the connection between the Acadian and Mi’kmaq communities, putting a spotlight on an approach deeply grounded in the principles of nature-based and social pedagogy. Get ready for an engaging workshop where you’ll discover the richness of ...
Engaging with Indigenous Authors to support outdoor experiences
This workshop is designed to help encourage and support individuals explore a variety of indigenous authors and then brainstorm/create a variety of outdoor/experiential activities. This workshop is inspired by Robin Wall Kimmerer and her book, Braiding Sweetgrass. More specifically the "Maple Sugar Moon" section which I have used to begin the Maple Syrup unit in my grade 9 Geography/Outdoor Education class the past four years. Participants will not only get a glimpse (and taste) of how I have brought Indigenous Knowledge into my classrooms, they will get an opportunity to collaborate, brainstorm, design and create their own programs/lessons for future ...
Building a Sense of Place Through Birds
Get to know your local birds using the magic of Merlin! The Merlin Bird ID app lets you discover which birds are in your area from season to season, by sight or sound. Take a bird walk with us to practice using the app, learn activities that use birds to inspire connection to place, and chat about the power of birds to connect people locally and globally. Prior to the workshop, please download the Merlin app and install the Canada West and your local bird packs so you’re ready to explore your local birds and the birds of Banff.
Games and Activities to Move You – Using Drama and Games to Enhance Nature Connection
This we know. Kids yearn to move and they have an active imagination. Why not capitalize on this by integrating dramatic movement to enhance a child's understanding of the natural world? We'll make a working tree using our bodies, we'll learn to authentically stalk like foxes, we'll fly like geese and learn what they can teach us about leadership. Jacob will share some tips and tricks for engaging children by showcasing some fun, tried and true games and activities that get children moving and imagining. He'll share some resources that have been useful in his more than 35 years of teaching outdoor education. Kids will only be moved to protect ...
We All Belong in Nature: Ecojustice in Outdoor Education
Nature supports wellness, however not all youth have equitable access to nature. Truth be told, mainstream outdoor education is inaccessible, exclusive, and expensive.
Join CPAWS Southern Alberta Education to learn how you can provide inclusive nature connection opportunities that support wellbeing for everyone. This session will guide your role as an educator and caring community member in responding to inequality in outdoor education, and provide tools and resources that make a difference. CPAWS will demonstrate how to take immersive environmental lessons, games and activities and apply cross-cultural guidelines to make nature’s inclusive ...