44 results for group: post-secondary-educators

Exploring Indigenous Ways of Knowing to Inspire Elementary Writing In/From Forest School

This workshop will lead participants through an interactive exploration into how using Indigenous ways of knowing and learning techniques in place-based outdoor education can be a springboard for exploring and creating written texts. A recipient of a McDowell Foundation Educational Research Grant, this session presents hands-on, evidence-based practices for educators that are based on: (1) Brayboy and Castagno’s recommendation that the “oral traditions and storytelling central to many tribal communities can and should serve as foundations for the written and text-based literacies required by and developed within schools” (p. 43); and (2) the ...

Decolonizing Maps, Indigenous Knowledge and Environmental Learning

Using the Indigenous Peoples Atlas of Canada (classroom edition), participants will learn ways to engage students in Indigenous perspectives and environmental issues. Suitable adaptations for grades 5+.

Land-based Play and Co-learning through Etuaptmumk/Two-Eyed Seeing

Discover the transformative power of Etuaptmumk/Two-Eyed seeing in Early Childhood Education (ECE) in our immersive workshop. Participants will embark on a journey to cultivate ethical space on the land while weaving together Indigenous and non-Indigenous worldviews. Through engaging land-based play experiences, participants will explore the interconnected web of knowledge and learn to braid the gift of multiple perspectives with intentionality. The workshop will offer an opportunity to embrace wholistic learning, (re)connect with Aki/Land, and develop culturally appropriate pedagogical practices. Join us for an enriching experience that promotes ...

Design Thinking for Environmental Education

Design thinking has garnered a lot of buzz in recent years, but how might it be applied to your teaching practice? Join facilitators from the Alberta Council for Environmental Education in exploring how to use the design thinking process to answer the question, “How might students explore environmental education through the curriculum?” This workshop will give teachers an understanding of the design thinking process and how to implement it in their classrooms. Work through a crash-course and come away with an outline for integrating environmental education and sustainability approaches throughout your school year.