47 results for group: emerging-leaders-students-new-professionals

Pivoting in Place

Hoping to integrate nature and place-based learning into the curriculum meaningfully? Still trying to figure out where to start? In this workshop, Hillary will discuss her experiences developing place-based curricula in urban and non-urban settings highlighting the need to pivot based on what is accessible to educators and their students. Participants will also learn core routines depending on place and space and the importance of the emergent curriculum when looking to extend learning beyond the four walls of the classroom.

May We Be Peaceful: Inner Work for Systems Change

Cultivating our inner peace as educators and human beings is our greatest human technology. In alignment with Otto Scharmer’s Theory U for systems change; deep listening, deep terrain, and healing the gaps which disconnect us from our nature are our most promising means of re-connection. May our disruption become transformation as we move forward together into the future as architects of connection. Through developing a practice of daily nature rituals with my Grade 2 class during challenging times, we intentionally attuned to our human nature on a daily basis. We sought refuge from the downward spiral among the leaves and changing seasons. We ...

Nature Journaling as a Tool for Connection & Conservation

How can using an arts-based practice of reflection create a stronger ecological identity? We will make time to slow down and intentionally connect deeper to place through the practice of nature journaling. How can a stronger ecological identity strengthen the overall resiliency of teachers? How can the products of art practice act as an invitation to fellow educators to strengthen their connection and understanding of their sense of place?

Tipi Teachings and Balanced Living

Putting up a full size tipi with participants - learning about the history and the significance of the tipi.

Creating Reciprocal Relationships in Nature: Spiritually, Emotionally, Physically & Mentally

Kwe', this 75-minute workshop is packed with activities to inspire educators to embrace the simplicity of land-based education. Introducing a respectful approach to spiritually reconnect with nature; learn what natural clues to look for if you get lost in the woods; and enjoy a memorable way to embrace the beauty of the forest. Including an exhilarating take on sit spots, help expand our ideas with a knowledge building circle and take home some valuable resources to start or inspire your own outdoor adventures. Join us for some exciting immersive experiences in nature that you can practice with your own students.

Walking Together through Etuaptmumk/Two-Eyed Seeing

When we walk together in a good way we learn to see and know the world through two eyes. Nature has rights, and we have responsibilities as storytellers, educators, artists and advocates to use our gifts to protect Mother Earth. Engage in an interactive session exploring Etuaptmumk, the gift of multiple perspectives in the Mi'kmaw language also known as Two-Eyed Seeing. Weaving the strengths of Indigenous and non-Indigenous knowledges through the exchange of stories, learn more about how we came to co-create the picture book ""Walking Together"" (Annick Press), reading with all ages, including in a Land-Based Play and Co-Learning through Etuaptmumk/...

Lessons From the Land: Indigenous Food Sovereignty as Climate Action

Kâpapâmachakwêw-Wandering Spirit School (TDSB) has seen students thrive through the implementation of a land-based learning program centred on Indigenous food sovereignty and traditional foodways. This presentation is designed for educators who are eager to either establish or further develop a similar program. Attendees will learn ways to provide students with rich and authentic learning experiences by taking inspiration for their lessons from the land. It will specifically discuss urban school farming and our experiences of incorporating traditional Indigenous food ways in our land-based learning program. Participants will collaborate to co-cre...

A Workshop on Sharing Stories of Tiny Miracles

The stories we tell matter. Indeed, they are all that matter. And the stories of the earth as “natural resources” in the service of a growth economy abound. This is a workshop that shares the potential pedagogical power of reclaiming and sharing stories about the earth’s interwoven tiny miracles. The earth is sacred, and the miracles are everywhere. These miracles are not, however, usually in our story frames. As such, with wisdom from Joanna Macy and Molly Brown’s The Work that Reconnects: Coming Back to Life (2014), this workshop will ask participants to be with and share stories of the earth's interconnected miracles. We will gather to ...

Good-bye binary: Creating safe, affirming spaces in outdoor programs for trans and nonbinary children and youth

"We step into the forest or out onto the land and many of us feel like we belong. But do our gender-creative, transgender and nonbinary children and staff experience that feeling of belonging too? In this workshop, participants will gain knowledge of the complex intersecting identities transgender, gender-creative and nonbinary children and staff hold, and how this impacts their experience in outdoor nature-based play and learning. Together, we'll discuss structural changes, inclusive and kind language, and how to navigate tricky questions and facilitate conversations with children. We'll re-imagine and share our strategies in play and story for ...

Nurtured by Nature, connecting to the idea that we are Nature

Blending Forest School and Forest Therapy pedagogies, delegates will take part in easily adaptable exercises prompting us to connect to the Land and each other. Focusing on animism and the senses, participants are invited to their own unique experience. Practical exercises that can be easily adapted to meet the needs of participants in the space in which it is offered. Fostering a sense of wellbeing with the intention that all people have connections and relationships to Land, with opportunities to nourish and support a sustainable and meaningful life on a flourishing planet.