Webinar for Educators: Finding Hope Through Connecting to the Land

Thanks to all the educators who joined us on May 28th for our webinar – Finding Hope Through Connecting to the Land. We are grateful to Chief Joe Pierre for sharing the Ktunaxa Creation Story and inspiring educators to help connect their students to the land. The webinar was recorded with permission and can be viewed above.

A written version of the Creation story can be found here: http://www.ktunaxa.org/who-we-are/creation-story/

To find out more about the work Take Me Outside is doing, please sign up for our newsletter here.

We’d also like to thank our partners who were instrumental in making this webinar happen:

Classroom to Communities

C2C is having their annual provincial conference on Oct 23, 2020. More info can be found here – https://c2c-bc.org/conference/

Columbia Basin Environmental Education Network

CBEEN has more webinars for educators that can be found here – https://cbeen.ca/webinars/

3 Replies to "Webinar for Educators: Finding Hope Through Connecting to the Land"

  • M. Brownlow
    May 29, 2020 (10:48 am)

    This is marvelous, I am so sorry I missed it live and grateful to be able to hear it after!

  • Denise Hendry teacher Kamloops BC
    May 29, 2020 (12:40 pm)

    Amazing job! Thanks so much

  • Lisa Slater
    May 31, 2020 (5:18 am)

    I was unable to watch webinar live but I finally got a chance. It was so interesting. I have family and friends in B.C and have spent alot of time there over the last 40 years. I recognized so many names of places. Chief Joe Pierre is a very engaging story teller. Thank you so much!!