Take Me Outside Day 2022

Take Me Outside Day 2022 has come to a close. We had a full week of amazing activities, speakers, and events from October 17th – 21st, 2022. Check out all the recordings below!

We hope to see you in future years. Thank you for your support! Click here to register for TMO Day 2023.

Take Me Outside Day helps to raise awareness about outdoor learning by encouraging teachers to take their students outside. The entire week is full of activities, speakers, and prizes from our partners. Beyond that, check out our online resource library, sign up for our free fall virtual workshop series with the Outdoor Learning Store, contribute to our Smart Forest fundraiser with Canada’s Forest Trust, or explore the amazing offerings from our partner organizations below! By registering for the Take Me Outside for Learning Challenge, you will also receive 20% off Take Me Outside educator apparel, 5% off at the Outdoor Learning Store, along with a chance to win many more prizes from TMO and our partners!

Schedule of activities for Mon Oct 17th – Fri Oct 21st

You can check out our schedule below, and if you missed the two amazing virtual workshops that happened the week before TMO Day, you can check out the recordings below!

Monday October 17th

THEME: Indigenous Knowledge and Perspectives
  • 8:30am PT / 11:30am ET – The Importance of Plant Knowledge with Joe Pitawanakwat (Grades 3-9)

Recording Now Available: 

Recording Now Available: 

Thank you to our partners for the following prizes given away at our live sessions on Monday!

1 x$25 TMO Store Gift Card
2 x$25 Outdoor Learning Store Gift Card
2x Natural Curiosity 2nd Edition Book
1x Strong Nations Prize Bundle

Tuesday October 18th

THEME: Health and Well-being

Recording Now Available: 

  • 10am PT / 1pm ET – Health and the Outdoors Discussion with Olympic Athlete Haley Daniels (All Grades)

Recording Now Available: 

Thank you to our partners for the following prizes given away at our live sessions on Tuesday!

5x PHE Canada Memberships
1x PHE Canada Swag Bag
2x $25 Outdoor Learning Store Gift Card
1x $50 MEC Gift Card
1x $1000 ParticipACTION Community Better Challenge Grant 

Wednesday October 19th

  • 8:30am PT / 11:30am ET – Sing along with Remy Rodden (Grades K-4)

Recording Now Available: 

  • 10am PT / 1pm ET – Discussion + Q&A with Richard Louv (All grades)

Recording Now Available: 

Thank you to our partners for the following prizes given away at our live sessions on Wednesday!

1x ImaginEd Walking Curriculum Book
2x Green Teacher Magazine Subscription
2x $25 Outdoor Learning Store Gift Card
1x $50 MEC Gift Card
1x $25 TMO Store Gift Card 

Thursday October 20th

THEME: Environmental and Climate Change Education
  • 8:30am PT / 11:30am ET – “Ripples of Change” Live Art with Green Learning (Grades 4-8)

Recording Now Available: 

Recording Now Available: 

Join the live events for a chance to win the following prizes throughout the day!

1x Water Rangers Compact FreshWater Testing Kit
1x Ocean Wise Free Virtual Lesson of your choice
2x $25 Outdoor Learning Store Gift Cards
1x “Sila and the Land” Book from Green Learning
1x $50 MEC Gift Card

Friday October 21st

THEME: Celebration & Day of Reflection
  • 10am PT / 1pm ET –  Reading and reflection with author and knowledge holder Cecilia John (Grades K-6)

Recording Now Available: 

Join the live events for a chance to win the following prizes throughout the day!

1x Strong Nations Prize Bundle
1x Project WET Canada Lesson Samplers
2x $25 Outdoor Learning Store Gift Cards
1x $50 MEC Gift Card

Two virtual pre-TMO Day workshops to get you prepared for outdoor fun with your learners!

Tuesday October 11th: Incorporating Indigenous Perspectives in Education

Outdoor learning would not be possible without access to the natural world that has been stewarded since time immemorial by the many First Nations, Métis, Inuit, and Indigenous peoples who have walked and continue to walk and steward these places on Turtle Island (North America). Facilitating learning on the land is in essence entering into a relationship with the land and with the peoples whose land you’re learning on. This workshop with Natural Curiosity and award-winning author David A Robertson will delve into this important topic, and is relevant for all educators taking learning outdoors.

Recording now available:


Thursday October 13th: Learning Goes Outside: Getting Started

At times, we all need a little extra inspiration and some fresh ideas to get started, regardless of whether outdoor learning is new to you or not. Join Pamela Gibson from Learning for a Sustainable Future and Stephanie Weinstein from the Invasive Species Council of BC on Oct 13th to hear from experts in the field (literally!), who can help you add meaning, intention, and community connections to your practice – all while meeting curriculum expectations. Come see how easy it can be!

Recording now available:

If you’d like to get an idea of what is involved with Take Me Outside Day, you can check out the recap of last year here, including all the recordings from our speakers, including Dr. Jane Goodall! Our 2021 Impact Report is also available here.

Diversity, Equity, and Inclusion in Outdoor Learning

We are committed to creating a future for outdoor learning where diversity, equity, and inclusion are fundamental and foundational pieces that illuminate the beauty and strength of our learning communities. We recognize, as individuals and as a collective, that not every school-aged child in Canada has equal opportunity to engage in outdoor learning at present. We also recognize that not all educators have equal opportunity or experience with taking learning outdoors, due to a wide variety of barriers. We envision a future where every school-aged child and every educator feels welcome learning outdoors.

Part of our commitment to this work in the realm of outdoor learning is to further support and educate our community on strategies to integrate diversity, equity, and inclusion into outdoor learning, and further into all educational practices.

We are developing a section of our website here where you will find tools and resources to assist you in making sure your outdoor learning can address issues of race, cultural backgrounds, sexual orientation, accessibility needs, and other marginalized identities.

Thank you to all of our partners for their ongoing support:



A huge thanks to Grade 3/4 students at Richard Secord School for showing us why #TakeMeOutsideDay is so important – great work!


Still looking for more ways to support outdoor learning?

Our Resources