TMO Day 2023 Feedback Form

Take Me Outside Day 2023 Feedback

Miigwetch, ʔmote, haawa, merci, gracias, and thank-you! The whole team at Take Me Outside appreciates your participation and support in the collective celebration of outdoor learning that is Take Me Outside Day. Throughout the day and entire week from October 16th to 20th, we witnessed countless moments of discovery, learning, and fun that centered place and land-based learning, all while hosting some amazing presenters in our themes of Indigenous Perspectives & Knowledge, Health & Wellbeing, and Climate Change & Environmental Education.

If you participated, please take a few minutes to fill out our quick feedback form with any comments or suggestions so we can improve for future years. Once again: thank you!

A reminder that you can find all of the video recordings and content from the past week on both our YouTube channel and on the TMO Day web page. And if you missed our Tuesday evening workshop for educators, you can find the recording here.

The feedback form is now closed. Thank you for participating!