2022 TMO Day Registration Complete

Thanks for signing up for Take Me Outside Day, and the entire week of activities, speakers, and events from October 17-21, 2022! You should find a confirmation email arriving shortly to the address you provided – please let us know if you didn’t receive it.

It’s the 12th year of this initiative and we hope this will be the largest and most impactful iteration yet. Join thousands of educators and hundreds of thousands of learner participants to help raise awareness about the importance of outdoor learning and simply spending time outside tuned into the natural world!

And now is a great time to head back to the main TMO Day page to explore the schedule and learn more of what to expect from this fantastic week of activities and speakers (plus just confirmed for Wed Oct 19th: Richard Louv!). All the details will arrive in your inbox soon, now that you’re signed up. Missed one of our communications? They’re all posted below. Links to join each webinar can also be found on the main TMO Day page here.

And if you missed our pre TMO Day workshops to get prepared, you can find the recordings here.

New this year: Take Me Outside and Canada’s Forest Trust are joining forces to help grow nature’s playground. Every donation to the Take Me Outside Smart Forest will fund outdoor youth programs and grow healthy, biodiverse forests in Canada. Check out the donation page here!

Learn how Canada’s Forest Trust is working with schools & students to combat climate change by growing Smart Forests. Click here.

Invite your friends and colleagues!

Use the social buttons on the side bar to share Take Me Outside Day and the Learning Challenge with anyone you think should opt in to go out!

Previous communications you may have missed:

Speakers, activities, and prizes for Friday October 21st (Theme: Day of Reflection and Sharing)

Speakers, activities, and prizes for Thursday Oct 20th (Theme: Environmental and Climate Change Education)

Speakers, activities, and prizes for Wednesday Oct 19th (Theme: Take Me Outside Day!)

Speakers, activities, and prizes for Tuesday Oct 18th (Theme: Health and Well-being)

Speakers, activities, and prizes for Monday Oct 17th (Theme: Indigenous Knowledge and Perspectives)

Everything you need to know for the upcoming week” (all event links included)

Pre TMO Day virtual workshops for educators