The postcard contest is now over.

Thanks to all who submitted their amazing entries.
Check out the winners here!

Are you #DrawnToTheOutdoors?

Then Take Me Outside needs your help!

Over the years, we’ve seen some great art shared through social media from students across the country highlighting the outdoors, whether it’s drawings showing the beauty of nature or scenes depicting how fun it is to spend time outside!

We’re wanting to create a set of postcards for Take Me Outside, and we want to feature students’ art! Originally, we wanted to receive all of your art old school, through the mail – yes, snail mail! But with so many classrooms headed back online this winter, we appreciate that may not be possible for everyone.

For all submissions, we’ll write a handwritten thank you note back to you, and we’ll send the winners (and their class, if applicable) a set of 30 postcards for free!

Looking forward to seeing some amazing art from K-12 students! Feel free to contact us if you have any questions. Submissions should be postmarked by February 28th, 2022.

What we’re looking for:
  • Our ideal submissions will feature lots of big bright colours and minimal words.
  • No identifying details on the front, please! If you want to sign your name and/or school, or describe the scene you’ve created, feel free to write on the back.
  • Remember these are being fitted onto postcards, so a rectangle base is better than a square.
  • For digital submissions: High-quality files preferred. You may link us to the files through a service such as Google Drive or Dropbox if you prefer (see submission form below).
  • If the winner is chosen from a digital submission, we ask that you be prepared to mail it to us in order to create the postcards.