

A selection of research based support for reducing screen time and increasing time spent outdoors. Found 61 Resources.



Race and Nature in the City(by Nature Canada)

Diversity Equity Inclusion

Race and Nature in the City(by Nature Canada)
‘Teaching to Transgress’ – written by bell hooks,(by Bell Hooks)
Resources for White People to Learn and Talk about Race and Racism(by Nina Berman )
“Why We Must Talk About Race When We Talk About Bikes – systemic racism can’t be fixed without tackling it within cycling.” article by Tamika Butler(by Tamika Butler)
Reversing Racism in the Time of Reconciliation?: Settler Colonialism, Race, and Alberta Teachers(by Danielle E . Lorenz)
Under the cloak of professionalism: covert racism in teacher education(by Lilach Marom)
Making Indigenous-led education a public policy priority: The benefits of land-based education and programming(by Danielle Cherpako & Samuel Centre for Social Connectedness)

Environmental Education

Race and Nature in the City(by Nature Canada)


Race and Nature in the City(by Nature Canada)
Advancing Early Childhood Education Outdoors Now(by Unkown)


Race and Nature in the City(by Nature Canada)

National Organization

Race and Nature in the City(by Nature Canada)

Nature Based Education

Race and Nature in the City(by Nature Canada)
Giving our Children an Experiential Edge-A Discussion Paper on Outdoor Learning in New Brunswick(by Unkown)
Health and well-being benefits of spending time in forests: Systematic review:(by Byeongsang Oh, Kyung Ju Lee, Chirs Zaslawski & Albert Yeung)
Spending at least 120 minutes a week in nature is associated with good health and wellbeing:(by Mathew P. White, Ian Alcock, James Grellier & Benedict W Wheeler)
Beyond Physical Activity: The Importance of Play and Nature-Based Play Spaces for Children’s Health and Development:(by Susan Herrington & Mariana Brussoni)
Putting Nature back into Nurture: The Benefits of Nature for Children:(by Karen Emma Martin)
(Re)placing ourselves in nature(by Nick Stanger)
Last Child in the Woods(by Richard Louv)
The Nature Principle(by Richard Louv)
Stanford Analysis Reveals Wide Array of Benefits from Environmental Education(by NAAEE )
Advancing Early Childhood Education Outdoors Now(by Unkown)

Outdoor Education

Race and Nature in the City(by Nature Canada)
Advancing Early Childhood Education Outdoors Now(by Unkown)

Outdoor Learning

Race and Nature in the City(by Nature Canada)
Giving our Children an Experiential Edge-A Discussion Paper on Outdoor Learning in New Brunswick(by Unkown)
The outdoor environment in Norwegian kindergartens as pedagogical space for toddlers’ play, learning and development(by Mosera, T. & Martinsen, M)
A Brief History of Forest School(by West Coast Forest School )
Udeskole “Outdoor School” In Scandinavia: Teaching and Learning in Natural Places(by PETER BENTSEN, THE NEW NATURE MOVEMENT)
Outdoor learning spaces: The case of forest school:(by Frances Harris)
Outdoor Education, Life Long Learning and Skills Development in Woodlands and Green Spaces: The Potential Links to Health and Well-Being:(by Liz O'Brien, Ambra Burls, Peter Bentsen & Inger Hilmo)
Learning Environments for Children in Outdoor Spaces:(by Habibe Acar)
Curriculum-based outdoor learning for children aged 9-11: A qualitative analysis of pupils’ and teachers’ views:(by Emily Marchant, Charlotte E Todd, Roxanne Cooksey & Samuel Dredge)
Outdoor Environment and Outdoor Activities in Early Childhood Education:(by Simge Yilmaz-Uysal)
Everyday teaching and outdoor learning: developing an integrated approach to support school-based provision:(by Sarah MacQuarrie)
Effects of an outdoor education intervention on the mental health of schoolchildren:(by Per E Gustagsson, Anders Szcozepanski, Nina Nelson & Per A Gustafsson)
The use of outdoor learning from the perspective of preschool teachers and principals:(by Lehte Tuuling, Aino Ugaste & Tiia Õun)
Effects of Regular Classes in Outdoor Education Settings: A Systematic Review on Students’ Learning, Social and Health Dimensions:(by Christoph Mall, Gabriele Lauterbach, Sarah Spengler & Ulrich Dettweiler)
The effect of outdoor learning activities on the development of preschool children:(by Günseli Yıldırım, Güzin Özyılmaz Akamca)
Nature and well-being in outdoor learning: Authenticity or performativity:(by Barbara Jean Humberstone & Ina Stan)
Measuring the impact of outdoor learning on the physical activity of school age children: The use of accelerometry:(by Jennie Aronsson, Sue Waite & Maria Tighe Clark)
Children’s time outdoors: Results and implications of the National Kids Survey:(by Lincoln R. Larson, Gary T. Green & H.K. Cordell)
Advancing Early Childhood Education Outdoors Now(by Unkown)

Indigenous Resources

Indigenization as inclusion, reconciliation, and decolonization: navigating the different visions for indigenizing the Canadian Academy(by Danielle E . Lorenz)
Pathways to Reconciliation: the Kitcisakik Land- Based Education Initiative(by Alexandra Arellano)
One Classroom, Two Teachers? Historical Thinking and Indigenous Education in Canada(by Heather E. McGregor)
Being taught by Raven: A story of knowledges in teacher education(by Amy Parent & Jeannie Kerr)
On the land gathering: education for reconciliation(by Lilach Marom)
Revolutionizing Environmental Education Through Indigenous Hip Hop Culture(by Bradley J Porfilio)
“The are no shortcuts:” The Long Road to Treaty 7 Education(by Tarisa Little)
Situating Nunavut Education with Indigenous Education in Canada(by Heather E. McGregor)
Ex(er)cising Student Voice in Pedagogy for Decolonizing: Exploring Complexities Through Duoethnography(by Heather E. McGregor & Brooke Madden)
“Reclaiming Disability through Pimatisiwin: Indigenous Ethics, Spatial Justice, and Gentle Teaching”(by Margaret Kress)
“Education for Reconciliation: Transitional Justice in the Aftermath of Canada’s Truth and Reconciliation Commission”(by Stefana Fratila)
The stories nations tell: Sites of pedagogy, historical consciousness, and national narratives.(by Stephanie Anderson)
“Going beyond the archival grid: Carl Beam and Greg Curnoe’s decolonization of a colonizing space”(by Stacy Ernst)
“Towards a Theory of Decolonizing Citizenship”(by Bryan Smith & Pamela Rogers)
“(Not So) Monumental Agents: De/Colonizing Places of Learning”(by Marc Higgins & Brooke Madden)
“The Metis-ization of Canada: The Process of Claiming Louis Riel, Metissage, and the Metis People as Canada’s Mythical Origin”(by Adam Gaudry)
Pedagogies of Remembrance and “Doing Critical Heritage” in the Teaching of History: Counter-memorializing Canada 150 with Future Teachers(by Lisa Taylor)
Exploring Resilience and Indigenous Ways of Knowing(by Patricia McGuire)
The Gift of Education: How Indigenous Knowledges Can Transform the Future of Public Education(by Kelly LaChance, Leilani Sabzalian & joana jansen)
Teaching Immigration for Reconciliation: A Pedagogical Commitment with a Difference(by Soma Chatterjee)
Naming, claiming, and (re)creating: Indigenous knowledge at the cultural interface(by Ann Doyle)
Decolonizing Education through Outdoor Learning: The Learning Story of an Indigenous Kindergarten Teacher(by Alexandria Middlemiss)
Making Indigenous-led education a public policy priority: The benefits of land-based education and programming(by Danielle Cherpako & Samuel Centre for Social Connectedness)

Place-Based Education

Provoking the very “idea” of Canadian Curriculum Studies as a Counterpointed Composition(by Nicholas Ng-A-Fook)
Toward a Model of Global Meaning Making(by Robert J Tierney)
Making Indigenous-led education a public policy priority: The benefits of land-based education and programming(by Danielle Cherpako & Samuel Centre for Social Connectedness)
Foundations of Place: A Multidisciplinary Framework for Place-Conscious Education(by David Gruenwald)
Place-Based Education: Connecting Classrooms and Communities(by David Sobel)
Advancing Early Childhood Education Outdoors Now(by Unkown)

Regional Resources

Making Indigenous-led education a public policy priority: The benefits of land-based education and programming(by Danielle Cherpako & Samuel Centre for Social Connectedness)

Early Learning

Advancing Early Childhood Education Outdoors Now(by Unkown)

Early Years

Advancing Early Childhood Education Outdoors Now(by Unkown)


Advancing Early Childhood Education Outdoors Now(by Unkown)