Rediscover Nature Day

This summer, my parents along with my sister and nephew, visited me here in Banff. It was my nephew’s first time to the mountains and some of our favourite moments included canoeing the Bow River, hiking up Tunnel Mountain and throwing rocks into Lake Minnewanka. The weather wasn’t great, but that didn’t matter. The time we spent together outside created memories that will last a lifetime.

Nature Valley and Take Me Outside are excited to announce Rediscover Nature Day! On Sunday, September 20, we are asking families across Canada to spend at least one hour outside – playing in and exploring Canada’s amazing backyard. Please help us remind Canadians how important it is to create those family memories.

And between September 9th and 30th, we are having a photo contest for families who get outside. The grand prize is a 4 day trip to Banff National Park, generously provided by Banff Lake Louise Tourism! For more details, watch the video below and check out

Wondering how to rediscover nature? Here are our top four activities to kick-start your outdoor exploration:

Count Tree Rings

Ever wonder how old a tree really is? Find a tree that has been cut down. Then use sandpaper to sand the surface of the stump until it is very smooth. Start at the center and count the rings. Each ring stands for one year in the tree’s life.

Catch and release frogs

Frogs can be found near clean water without a lot of current. A simple net is both the easiest and gentlest way to catch one. Once you’ve placed your net over your found frog, reach down and place your hands gently around its back, holding on to its hips. Cradled in the net, gently lift it up with its legs pointing straight out behind it. Make sure to release your frog back into the water!

Stack and balance rocks

Build your own inukshuk. This simple art piece also acts as a welcome sign to visitors. Begin by collecting rocks of various shapes and sizes. Ones that work best are flat on both the top and bottom. Start by placing the stones on top of one another looking for the best balance. If two rocks won’t work together, try turning them over or moving them just a little bit to find a better fit.

Find shapes in the clouds

Find a peaceful piece of green space where you can lie on your back. Be sure to get comfortable (you may be there for a while). Look up and let your eyes adjust to the light and shadows. With a little bit of imagination, you’re bound to find shapes, animals or faces in those clouds.

For more information and ideas visit

4 Replies to "Rediscover Nature Day"

  • Karen Ung (@playoutsidegal)
    September 9, 2015 (11:11 pm)

    Great ideas, but please leave frogs alone! 🙂 Best to look and not touch.

  • Janet
    September 10, 2015 (3:12 pm)

    Rediscover Nature Day! What a great idea! wonderful work that you do! Thanks!

  • Yuka
    September 11, 2015 (9:15 am)

    Another great reason to visit us in the Bow Valley! We’ll support you for engaging with nature living life style!

  • Bria
    September 13, 2015 (9:16 am)

    I love Banff! I was born in Calgary and when I was little I grew up with the outdoors. It’s in my blood. I was in a hiking club and we spent a lot of time in Banff. Nature Day is a brilliant idea because it’s so sad that kid’s miss out on the wonders of Nature, heartbreaking! It would be lovely to travel back to my stomping grounds. Thanks for this amazing opportunity Nature Valley and a chance to be apart of something I am so passionate about