
irun-thumbColin Harris is living his childhood dream of running across Canada. Along the way, he’s visiting students in over 60 classrooms from St. John’s to Vancouver and encouraging kids to get outside, get active and reconnect with nature.

Harris decided to run 7,300 kilometres because he’s an outdoor educator who was growing discouraged with kids spending so much time in front of screens and so little time outside. “This sedentary lifestyle is leading to a general decrease in kids’ health,” says Harris.

With 16 years of road running in his legs, Harris had a solid base to behin his cross-Canada tour. He breaks his runs into a 15k morning run, followed by a snack and a rest, an 8-10k run before lunch. An after lunch nap and another 10k in the afternoon.

“It’s ideal, I’m always going forward, always running somewhere new,” says Harris who is working up to a daily marathon distance by listening to his body, eating real food and enjoying the scenery instead of looking at his watch and marking splits.

Original article courtesy of iRun Magazine.

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