Day 53 – day off (total – 1170.7 km)

When Rob came up the other day to run with me, he brought an envelope filled with letters that his grade 1-6 students had written.  I wanted to share a few and he said that was okay.  Although the letters are addressed to me and talk about the run across Canada, I have two brief thoughts to share.  First, this project would never happen without Sarah.  Having a friend who commits to spending 7 months doing what she’s doing is incredible.  This run simply wouldn’t be happening without her.  And second, it is Rob who is the true inspiration in these student’s lives.  He is the one interacting with them on a daily basis and encouraging them to be outside and active.  These letters and pictures have put me on top of the world today and for that I am thankful!  But more so, I am ecstatic that there are so many people out there like Rob who care so much about getting children and youth outside.  It truly makes me feel like a difference is being made.

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