Day 48 – 42.4 km (total – 1052.5 km)
Your body is the life force power of some fifty trillion molecular geniuses. You and you alone choose moment by moment who and how you want to be in the world. - Jill Bolte Taylor
I’ll admit that I’m not functioning at an alert level right now. I’m tired and need my bed, no matter how cold it is! And the good news is… it’s not that cold! In fact, today was the first day that had a hint of spring in the air. I could hear the trickle of snow melting off tree branches and the sky was blue, the sun was bright. Not only was the sky blue, there was not a cloud in the sky this afternoon. The glare off the snow from the sun was bright, but I soaked it in. The snow and ice are receding from the unpaved shoulder, which is the part I like to run, and there were numerous friendly “honks” today, which was encouraging.

Glorious, glorious sun!
Today was my 3rd day of running consecutive marathons. I’m fearful of jinxing it, but the IT band in my right leg feels good. In fact, it feels really good. I’ve still been taking some walking breaks, but I feel back in business, which makes me happy (understatement!).
Over the last couple of days, I have been thinking a lot about my time in Newfoundland. I’m sure more thoughts will spew out in the coming weeks, but tonight, I thought I’d share just a very brief clip of me running on the 2nd last day, just outside Port-Aux-Basques. I veered off the TCH and so thankful I did. The mountains on one side and the Atlantic on the other – you really can’t find a more picturesque trail!