Day 274-279 – 212.6 km (total – 7524.5 km)

No matter how long it takes, if you keep moving, one step at a time, you will reach the finish line.. - anonymous

There are so many thoughts, emotions, feelings, ideas and frustrations that I could share today, but let me start with this.

Jen, or as most of her friends call her – J Mac, flew back to Ontario first thing this morning from Vancouver.  To be honest, I didn’t know J Mac extremely well before this… we had met a few times in the outdoor ed world back in Ontario.  When she offered to come and help me through the mountains, I was back and forth a bit because of not knowing her well, but got a big thumbs up from one of my good friends who is good friends with J Mac.  Over the last 3 weeks, I have seen what a warm soul she has.  She has made me laugh, she has cooked amazing meals for me, she even came out to meet me at the end of a couple of days to run the last few kilometers together!  She made these amazing origami stars that had encouraging messages in them for days I was a bit down.  She took 3 weeks of her life (that she could have been teaching and actually making money!), to come out and help someone whose message she believed in.  Unquestionably, there is no way I could have run through the mountains without a support person.  I am so grateful to Jen for her help.  I’m even more grateful for a new friend… a friend who saw me through some tough moments, who lived with my chaotic (code for messy!) lifestyle in the RV and who saw past my shortcomings (which are many).  It feels pretty neat to now that years down the road, we’ll be able to get together and reminisce, laugh and poke fun at each other for some of the moments we’ve had.  Jen – thank you.  It is difficult to express how much it means to have had your help over the last 3 weeks.  You are an amazing teacher, a passionate creature, and an incredible individual.  Thank you.

Only days are left in this run across Canada.  I am overwhelmed with some of the emails I have been receiving from friends and strangers.  I am thankful for the support people have shown.  I am excited to dip my toe in the Pacific, to have my parents there for that moment and to sense a collective goal across the country of getting children and youth outside more.

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