Day 267-271 – 174.2 km (total – 7198.2 km)

This morning at Beattie Elementary, I raced with a few students as I’ve done at most schools to give students an idea of how big Canada really is and how far it is to run.  It struck me when I let them know how many kilometers I had left to run that I am truly in the homestretch.  There have been several “homestretches” over the last several weeks… I’ve needed them to keep me motivated.  But when I resume running tomorrow, it will be my last full week of running every day.  It would almost seem futile to express how excited I am!

Beattie Elementary is the school Angus goes to, son of James, my friend from school.  James and I started a program in school together about 3 years ago, and one of our courses was a design course.  James developed a design for a school garden, and although it was simply an assignment, he followed through and has helped spearhead an amazing school/community garden that acts as an outdoor classroom as well!  His story is testament to the fact that if you can get a few people to buy into an idea and get them committed, you can make some amazing things happen!  The school garden hopes to be replicated at other elementary schools throughout Kamloops – all stemming from a father who was keen on a school assignment!

I am thankful for the response I have had so far for ‘Take Me Outside’  Day on October 25.  If you can continue to encourage folks to email us at,  we’d love to share this celebration with as many people on that day!   Again, thanks so much for everyone’s support in trying to make this a  fn ending to TMO’s Run Across Canada!

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