216 results for author: Colin Harris

Day 229-233 – 221.5 km (total – 5867.5 km)

Enjoying the first school visit back after the summer holiday.  The students at Grant Road School in Regina were great – it was a beautiful day and we were able to meet outside.  Thanks to Mark Wilson for helping set this visit up!  Felt good to be chatting with students again! Having some members of the Saskatchewan Outdoor and Environmental Education Association come out to meet me on Monday and bike in beside me while I ran into the city.  It even included a police escort! My friends Audrey and Peta, who have helped me out with driving since last Friday.  Such a nice treat to run and not worry about hitchhiking. Some of the members ...

Westman Journal

The Westman Journal just recently did a write-up about the TakeMeOutside project.  Go and read the full article here.  Let me know your thoughts in my comments section!

Day 226-228 – 118.9 km (total – 5646 km)

Even on the road (aside from the running part), the conversations I’m hearing revolve around the summer being over – it’s back to school!  Across this country, students have either started their first week of school or are close to it.  Parents are readjusting to the routine required to get their kids to school and the wallets end up a bit lighter with the back-to-school things that businesses thrive on this time of year. The media usually follows suit, so there have been some articles this past week in the Globe and Mail about students returning to the classroom.  Actually, one focuses more on the schoolyard playground.  A study out of ...

Day 224-225 – 49.7 km (total – 5527.1 km)

Did you ever have braces or wear a retainer when you were younger?  A lot of my youth was spent in the sterile environment of the orthodontist’s office.  I went through several retainers, one of them called a Frankel, which I was never seen in public with, as it puffed out my cheeks and prevented me from speaking even remotely close to what I had become accustomed to over 14 years of learning how to talk.  I had braces for 5 years on top and bottom.  Throw in the elastics and needless to say, the ortho office wasn’t my favourite place to be! A couple of months ago, a woman emailed me to say that her office had heard about the run and ...

CBC Television Interview

My CBC Television interview was just televised.  Here's a link to the video page.  You'll want to jump to the 20:50 mark of the video in order to see my bit!  Drop me a line in the comments section letting me know what you thought.

Day 221-223 – 142 km (total – 5477.4 km)

I have just returned from my parents treating me to a nice meal before saying goodbye and driving back to Winnipeg.  They were kind enough over the past few days to help me out as I ran west of Winnipeg, but as of tomorrow I am on my own again for awhile. I can’t express how appreciative I am of family.  I am thankful for sisters who have been extremely supportive and for parents who have simply become best friends over the past many years.  Well, there is still a nagging mother somewhere in there at times, but you catch my drift!  Tonight I am tired and to be honest, somewhat sad that I leave my family behind.  But I know they are  with me ...

Aug 24 / Ray Harris Blog

“Dad, what would you think about joining me at Thunder Bay?” When your son gives an invitation like that, it’s difficult to refuse. So on August 1 I boarded a bus from Winnipeg to Thunder Bay, and 12 hours later Colin and I enjoyed a pizza together. Thus began a journey that has been unlike any other with my son. So what has it been like to be his support driver? What has it been like for father and son to spend three weeks together in close confinement and still come out of it good friends? Not everything can be shared, but here is a father’s taste of his son’s vision. A typical running day began soon after breakfast. Colin would give me ...

CityTV Breakfast Television

I recently had an interview with Breakfast Television in Winnipeg.  I'm not able to embed it in our own website, so you'll need to follow the link in order to check it out!  Let me know what you thought in the comments section!

Day 214-220 – 196.8 (total – 5335.4 km)

The morning started at the Legislative building in downtown Winnipeg, where CBC came out to cover the story.  We left the RV at home, but my mother decided to help be the “driver” today using their car for little breaks along the way – thanks Mom! It was fun running down Portage Avenue, reliving some moments in the neighbourhood I used to live in.  I reminisced about the cold day in December back in 1988 when we were let out of school to see the Olympic torch coming through the city on its way to Calgary.  It was fun to remember running out to the perimeter highway, ready to keep running until the guy with the torch stepped into the ...

Helping to change the world

When I worked at YMCA Wanakita, we ran a program called Sunship Earth.  It is an environmental program for grade 6 students that focuses on their science curriculum, but does so outside – hands on.  One of the activities out in the woods revolves around the falling of the trees dead leaves in the fall. Each autumn, maple leaves shine bright with their magnificent colours across this country before falling to the ground and dying.  But each passing season, it is these very leaves that float gently to the ground that turn into a rich soil, full of nutrients, and help the maple tree continue to grow for years to come.  Political views run ...