32 results for group: beginner

Let’s Walk! More than getting from point A to B

Walks are a great way to get moving, self-regulate, and spend time with others. However, walks can be so much more. Learn how walks can be a tool for social-emotional learning, peer-to-peer relationship building, academic learning, empathy building, and more. Rain or shine, the simple act of walking can provide many opportunities to learn and grow, and those skills can then be applied to other aspects of learning and life. Whether you're a class walking to the playground, or spending time one on one with a child, you'd be surprised how much you can learn in 100 feet.

Overcoming the Barriers to Regularly Including Alternative Environment Activities in Physical Education Programs

Alternative Environment Activities (AEAs) are physical activities included in physical education (PE) programs that take place outside of traditional gymnasium, playing field, indoor fitness training settings, and track settings. This session will provide an overview regarding the value of AEAs in PE and research that has identified the major barriers PE teachers face when trying to include AEAs (e.g., costs; time; organizational requirements; safety). Then, breakouts/discussions will be conducted on strategies for overcoming these barriers. Low cost/easy to deliver AEAs will be introduced (e.g., hiking; disc-golf; bird-watching; snow-bocce) and ...

Bridging Communities: A Journey of Reconciliation

Over the last four years, École Saint-Augustin has been on an exciting journey alongside the Conseil acadien de Rustico, engaging in a one-of-a-kind and transformative partnership. In alignment with the principles of truth and reconciliation, they together embarked on a unique collaboration with the Mi’kmaq First Nations community of Prince Edward Island. This exceptional initiative is crafted to strengthen the connection between the Acadian and Mi’kmaq communities, putting a spotlight on an approach deeply grounded in the principles of nature-based and social pedagogy. Get ready for an engaging workshop where you’ll discover the richness of ...

Building a Sense of Place Through Birds

Get to know your local birds using the magic of Merlin! The Merlin Bird ID app lets you discover which birds are in your area from season to season, by sight or sound. Take a bird walk with us to practice using the app, learn activities that use birds to inspire connection to place, and chat about the power of birds to connect people locally and globally. Prior to the workshop, please download the Merlin app and install the Canada West and your local bird packs so you’re ready to explore your local birds and the birds of Banff.

Decolonizing Maps, Indigenous Knowledge and Environmental Learning

Using the Indigenous Peoples Atlas of Canada (classroom edition), participants will learn ways to engage students in Indigenous perspectives and environmental issues. Suitable adaptations for grades 5+.

Land-based Play and Co-learning through Etuaptmumk/Two-Eyed Seeing

Discover the transformative power of Etuaptmumk/Two-Eyed seeing in Early Childhood Education (ECE) in our immersive workshop. Participants will embark on a journey to cultivate ethical space on the land while weaving together Indigenous and non-Indigenous worldviews. Through engaging land-based play experiences, participants will explore the interconnected web of knowledge and learn to braid the gift of multiple perspectives with intentionality. The workshop will offer an opportunity to embrace wholistic learning, (re)connect with Aki/Land, and develop culturally appropriate pedagogical practices. Join us for an enriching experience that promotes ...

Get outside! Access practical guides, tips and recognition for taking environmental education outside of the classroom through the EcoSchools Canada platform

Take part in a hands-on educational learning experience and let us lead you through the EcoSchools platform to access guides and resources on how to take environmental learning outside - plus get recognition for your achievements!

Design Thinking for Environmental Education

Design thinking has garnered a lot of buzz in recent years, but how might it be applied to your teaching practice? Join facilitators from the Alberta Council for Environmental Education in exploring how to use the design thinking process to answer the question, “How might students explore environmental education through the curriculum?” This workshop will give teachers an understanding of the design thinking process and how to implement it in their classrooms. Work through a crash-course and come away with an outline for integrating environmental education and sustainability approaches throughout your school year.

Taking Math Outside

How do we incorporate nature in our math classrooms? The many benefits of outdoor math lessons for health and wellbeing will be showcased in these hands on outdoor math activities for elementary students.

Perimeter Walks: Two laps around your schoolyard is just the beginning

Looking to take your class outside every day? Want to connect it to math, science, literacy, art, technology, and health? Interested in making you and your students happier and more compassionate to each other and the environment? Just a couple of laps around your schoolyard and you can have it all and so much more. We’ll go on a walk and turn it into a powerful writing opportunity, use technology in an authentic way, and have a ton of fun playing a bit of a math game. BYOD ('Bring Your Own Device - phone, tablet, etc) for the complete experience.