46 results for group: environment-climate

We All Belong in Nature: Ecojustice in Outdoor Education

Nature supports wellness, however not all youth have equitable access to nature. Truth be told, mainstream outdoor education is inaccessible, exclusive, and expensive. Join CPAWS Southern Alberta Education to learn how you can provide inclusive nature connection opportunities that support wellbeing for everyone. This session will guide your role as an educator and caring community member in responding to inequality in outdoor education, and provide tools and resources that make a difference. CPAWS will demonstrate how to take immersive environmental lessons, games and activities and apply cross-cultural guidelines to make nature’s inclusive ...

Documenting Children’s “Worlding”: Towards the Development of Common Worlds Pedagogical Documentation Practices

In this session, early childhood educators and professionals (post-secondary instructors, advocates, researchers) will gather to discuss pedagogical documentation in the context of nature-based programs. How can the experiences of children and the more-than-human both be represented in documentation? In this facilitated discussion, participants will be invited to share their current practices of documentation with the children in their care, as well as discuss examples of documentation provided. Informed by recent common worlds research, the aim of this session will be to inspire new perspectives, develop new practices, share and connect with each ...

Take Science Outside! Using Outdoor Education skills to teach K-8 Science Outcomes

Are these outdoor education skills or is this science? It is both! Alberta Education Kindergarten to Grade 8 science is full of opportunities to connect science to outdoor skills–skills that students can use to also learn about personal and group safety, stewardship of the land, and leadership of self and others. Teaching science outcomes through traditional outdoor education skills has been a rewarding teaching and learning journey–one which we are excited to share! Join us for an exciting session of hands-on learning that has you ‘doing science’, the outdoor education way.

Get outside! Access practical guides, tips and recognition for taking environmental education outside of the classroom through the EcoSchools Canada platform

Take part in a hands-on educational learning experience and let us lead you through the EcoSchools platform to access guides and resources on how to take environmental learning outside - plus get recognition for your achievements!

Un projet interdisciplinaire fait par et pour les élève

Pendant cet atelier, les participants apprendront à partir des intérêts de leurs élèves pour entreprendre un projet interdisciplinaire. La géo-enquête est un processus qui peut être adapté pour les élèves de la maternelle au secondaire et permet aux élèves de partir de leurs questions pour en apprendre plus et prendre un engagement envers leur classe, école ou communauté. Les participants apprendront à mener une géo-enquête avec leurs élèves et les appuyer à communiquer leurs apprentissages. Les participants sont demandés d’apporter un téléphone ou une tablette avec les applications gratuites Seek, eBird, Merlin Bird ID et ...

Forest for Change: Using School Yard Trees to Teach About Climate Change

Join Inside Education for an inspiring hands-on workshop that explores climate change topics including forest carbon sequestration, GHG emissions, and climate change. We will discover the important role forests play as carbon sinks through hands-on activities you can lead outdoors with your students, teaching them to connect curricular topics of climate change and the carbon cycle to the natural areas they are familiar with. Leave feeling inspired and empowered with tools, knowledge, and practical applications to promote environmental stewardship with your students.

Design Thinking for Environmental Education

Design thinking has garnered a lot of buzz in recent years, but how might it be applied to your teaching practice? Join facilitators from the Alberta Council for Environmental Education in exploring how to use the design thinking process to answer the question, “How might students explore environmental education through the curriculum?” This workshop will give teachers an understanding of the design thinking process and how to implement it in their classrooms. Work through a crash-course and come away with an outline for integrating environmental education and sustainability approaches throughout your school year.

Making Connections: Human Health, Environmental Monitoring, and Citizen Science for Students

As an education charity with a focus on environmental and natural resources Inside Education aims to help students and teachers uncover the connections between people and the environment. Through our water and air quality programs we focus on environmental factors that have an effect on human health. Come experience how we facilitate connections for learners through environmental monitoring and citizen science. We will showcase various qualitative and quantitative assessments we use in the classroom and outside to get a better understanding of water and air quality in an Alberta context.

A Better Sense of Nature

We were born with the ability to perceive the natural world in a deep and abiding way; with our senses tuned and primed. In this fast paced, technological world, we find ourselves seeing and listening to a world that is trapped behind glowing windows. In this workshop, you'll be introduced to a whole suite of activities that practice using your sight, hearing, feeling, smell and taste in new and innovative ways. From following scent trails, to bird whispering, from drawing sound to creating beautiful nature sculptures, we'll activate all of our senses so you can feel more connected to nature.

Activating Hope in Climate Justice Education through Inquiry and Reciprocity

Help young learners navigate the path from climate despair to empowerment, to agency, and to high-impact actions through an inquiry-based approach where learners experience themselves in relationship with the Land and each other in community. Participants will explore Branch I of Natural Curiosity (Inquiry and Engagement) and its associated Indigenous lens (Lighting the Fire: The Spirit of Learning) through a knowledge building circle informed by the lesson Children’s Rights and Climate Change (from Green Teacher’s book Teaching Teens about Climate Change) before unpacking key take-aways from an associated professional learning series and identi...