47 results for group: emerging-leaders-students-new-professionals

miskasowin askihk – finding oneself on the land

We are co-teachers of a high school land-based education program in Regina, SK called miskasowin askihk - finding oneself on the land. We have students for 4 hours a day, and teach them 5 credits including Cree, Indigenous Studies, Environmental Science, Wildlife and Habitat Studies, and Physical Education. We take students on one overnight trip each month and many day trips. The program focuses on two-eyed seeing - integrating Indigenous worldviews with western science. We have taught the program for 1.5 years and have learned many lessons. We will take you through an interactive experience about how we design our curriculum to learn from the land. ...

First Nations Games and Environmental Connections

Time to get off your bums, because motion is lotion for the body. Come learn a series of First Nations games from around Canada that can be used in the classroom on a rainy day or preferably outside. Using the experimental model that the wilderness speaks for itself. The games will show the environmental connection that First Nations have to the land and its animals. Plus the games are a lot of fun and using simple debriefing skills you can sneak in a element of environmental learning for your group. No fitness requirements, good for all ages, even old teachers. Bonus: 3 cool outdoor knots for the knot impaired.

Exploring Indigenous Ways of Knowing to Inspire Elementary Writing In/From Forest School

This workshop will lead participants through an interactive exploration into how using Indigenous ways of knowing and learning techniques in place-based outdoor education can be a springboard for exploring and creating written texts. A recipient of a McDowell Foundation Educational Research Grant, this session presents hands-on, evidence-based practices for educators that are based on: (1) Brayboy and Castagno’s recommendation that the “oral traditions and storytelling central to many tribal communities can and should serve as foundations for the written and text-based literacies required by and developed within schools” (p. 43); and (2) the ...

Take Science Outside! Using Outdoor Education skills to teach K-8 Science Outcomes

Are these outdoor education skills or is this science? It is both! Alberta Education Kindergarten to Grade 8 science is full of opportunities to connect science to outdoor skills–skills that students can use to also learn about personal and group safety, stewardship of the land, and leadership of self and others. Teaching science outcomes through traditional outdoor education skills has been a rewarding teaching and learning journey–one which we are excited to share! Join us for an exciting session of hands-on learning that has you ‘doing science’, the outdoor education way.

Taking Math Outside

How do we incorporate nature in our math classrooms? The many benefits of outdoor math lessons for health and wellbeing will be showcased in these hands on outdoor math activities for elementary students.

Puppets Sing! Connecting with the Land through Puppets, Stories and Songs

This workshop introduces early childhood and primary educators to fun and engaging ways to connect young learners to the Land using puppetry, stories, and songs. Our purpose is to inspire you to feel comfortable using puppets and songs in your outdoor learning, science, and nature play. This interactive and hands-on workshop will have you singing, playing, and laughing with us. We will share some of our favourite songs, stories, and games while modeling the many ways to bring puppets to life for your young learners. You will receive a link to our living documents which include a song list, puppet play resource, and printable Columbia Basin-inspired ...

Awe, Wellness, and Nature: Nurturing Connections for Healthier Outdoor Learning

Join us as we delve into the transformative power of awe in nature. Through immersive experiences and insightful discussions, we'll explore how cultivating a sense of awe can profoundly impact wellness and enrich outdoor education. Discover the science behind awe, its link to wellness, and how awe-inspiring moments in nature can enhance learning. Uncover strategies to integrate awe into outdoor educational practices, fostering a deep connection to nature and promoting overall well-being. Let's embrace the awe of nature and unlock the potential for healthier, more enriching outdoor learning experiences.