34 results for group: academics-researchers

The Evaluation of a Nature-Based Childcare Program: Findings, Lessons Learned and Next Steps

Childcare programs delivered outdoors can provide an opportunity to reintroduce, reinforce and supplement outdoor play during early childhood. In addition, outdoor childcare programs may positively affect practitioner wellbeing, professional engagement and the quality of education being delivered. However, there remains a gap in the literature regarding the health and developmental impacts of nature-based childcare programs and more research is needed. As part of the Canadian Centre for Outdoor Play, researchers at the Children’s Hospital of Eastern Ontario Research Institute are evaluating a nature-based childcare program in Ottawa, Ontario, ...

miskasowin askihk – finding oneself on the land

We are co-teachers of a high school land-based education program in Regina, SK called miskasowin askihk - finding oneself on the land. We have students for 4 hours a day, and teach them 5 credits including Cree, Indigenous Studies, Environmental Science, Wildlife and Habitat Studies, and Physical Education. We take students on one overnight trip each month and many day trips. The program focuses on two-eyed seeing - integrating Indigenous worldviews with western science. We have taught the program for 1.5 years and have learned many lessons. We will take you through an interactive experience about how we design our curriculum to learn from the land. ...

Exploring Indigenous Ways of Knowing to Inspire Elementary Writing In/From Forest School

This workshop will lead participants through an interactive exploration into how using Indigenous ways of knowing and learning techniques in place-based outdoor education can be a springboard for exploring and creating written texts. A recipient of a McDowell Foundation Educational Research Grant, this session presents hands-on, evidence-based practices for educators that are based on: (1) Brayboy and Castagno’s recommendation that the “oral traditions and storytelling central to many tribal communities can and should serve as foundations for the written and text-based literacies required by and developed within schools” (p. 43); and (2) the ...

Taking Math Outside

How do we incorporate nature in our math classrooms? The many benefits of outdoor math lessons for health and wellbeing will be showcased in these hands on outdoor math activities for elementary students.