145 results for browsing: Unknown

Taking Math Outside

How do we incorporate nature in our math classrooms? The many benefits of outdoor math lessons for health and wellbeing will be showcased in these hands on outdoor math activities for elementary students.

Whose Voice Is This?: Creating Accessible and Inclusive Outdoor Spaces through Storytelling

Nature is for everybody. This outdoor learning experience discusses inclusion and accessibility in outdoor spaces through an equity, anti-racism, and anti-oppression framework. Stories are powerful and those that are grounded by truth connect us all. As National Geographic and Lindblad expedition - Grosvenor Teacher Fellows, we have a deep understanding that everybody’s relation to the land looks, feels and sounds different through storytelling. Come and learn practical ways you can use storytelling to create inclusive and accessible outdoor learning spaces where students’ voices are heard, seen, and felt.

Perimeter Walks: Two laps around your schoolyard is just the beginning

Looking to take your class outside every day? Want to connect it to math, science, literacy, art, technology, and health? Interested in making you and your students happier and more compassionate to each other and the environment? Just a couple of laps around your schoolyard and you can have it all and so much more. We’ll go on a walk and turn it into a powerful writing opportunity, use technology in an authentic way, and have a ton of fun playing a bit of a math game. BYOD ('Bring Your Own Device - phone, tablet, etc) for the complete experience.

Puppets Sing! Connecting with the Land through Puppets, Stories and Songs

This workshop introduces early childhood and primary educators to fun and engaging ways to connect young learners to the Land using puppetry, stories, and songs. Our purpose is to inspire you to feel comfortable using puppets and songs in your outdoor learning, science, and nature play. This interactive and hands-on workshop will have you singing, playing, and laughing with us. We will share some of our favourite songs, stories, and games while modeling the many ways to bring puppets to life for your young learners. You will receive a link to our living documents which include a song list, puppet play resource, and printable Columbia Basin-inspired ...

Awe, Wellness, and Nature: Nurturing Connections for Healthier Outdoor Learning

Join us as we delve into the transformative power of awe in nature. Through immersive experiences and insightful discussions, we'll explore how cultivating a sense of awe can profoundly impact wellness and enrich outdoor education. Discover the science behind awe, its link to wellness, and how awe-inspiring moments in nature can enhance learning. Uncover strategies to integrate awe into outdoor educational practices, fostering a deep connection to nature and promoting overall well-being. Let's embrace the awe of nature and unlock the potential for healthier, more enriching outdoor learning experiences.

Walking Together: (Re)Connecting to the Land through Storytelling

Join us for an interactive storytelling of a new picture book, 'Walking Together,' co-written by Elder Albert Marshall and Louise Zimanyi, illustrated by Emily Kewageshig (Annick Press, 2023). Grounded in Etuaptmumk/Two-Eyed Seeing (in Mi'kmaq), the gift of multiple perspectives, follow young children connecting to the Land as spring unfolds with Robin's return, Frog's croaking and Maple tree's gift of sap. Through art and conversation, we explore how braiding Indigenous and non-Indigenous ways of knowing together through responsible and reciprocal relationships benefits all.

Nature Play- the secret ingredient for wholistic child development

Join Devon Karchut for a practical workshop, infused with plenty of fascinating research to support the use of nature play. From the development of strong musculoskeletal systems, executive functioning, sensory-motor skills, and overall wellness, playful experiences in nature are an invaluable part of a healthy childhood. You will learn the basics of sensory-motor development, as well as practical ways to engage kids in meaningful play in nature. This workshop is geared for the K-6 crowd, as well as those who support neuro-diverse populations within schools and communities.

How Does Vulnerability Show up in the Outdoors? PT 2

Karen Lai works as an independent consultant in accessibility and inclusion. She works with businesses and organizations to increase the accessibility and inclusion of people with disabilities. She holds a Master of Arts in Human Kinetics where she examined the social theories behind social inclusion of people with disabilities. She has more than 20 years of working alongside with individuals with disabilities in the field of recreation, employment, government, and other community involvements.

Why leaders matter in advancing outdoor pedagogy in early learning, schools and communities

The research is clear - children and adults benefit from experimenting, exploring, co-investigating and learning outdoors. But, to make this shift from an indoor space, leaders have a significant role in changing practice. Educators benefit from being surrounded by leaders who embrace and become partners in collectively imagining the possibilities of children experimenting, exploring, co-investigating and learning outdoors in all kinds of spaces and places. This presentation will highlight why a shift in practice requires leaders to develop an outdoor pedagogy lens in their practice.

Taking Effective Breaks: Just Do it

This session is for anyone interested in learning about taking effective breaks as a sustainable wellness practice. Our two separate projects show surprisingly similar results: high school students, teachers, and pre-service teachers perceive breaks as vital to their wellbeing. First we will share the science behind breaks, learn from participants' voices, take a walking break, and reflect on how to implement breaks in our classrooms and lives.