Learning Outside in the Big City: Outdoor Environmental Learning for Urban Teachers

Outdoor learning enthusiasts don’t need to be told about how spending time outdoors can improve our mental health and well-being. But what if we teach in urban areas with minimal access to green space? What if your school yard has artificial grass and 3 trees? How do we get “city kids” to start connecting with the Natural World so that they can begin developing a connection that could ultimately lead to stewardship? In this workshop, participants will engage in some beginner/city friendly outdoor learning activities and discuss possible cross curricular connections. We will also talk about the logistics of setting up and managing expectations. If you’ve always wanted to start teaching outside but don’t know where to start or you don’t think your space is “green” enough, this workshop is for you! You will walk away with practical activities and tips that can be implemented with your students right away. This session is predominantly geared towards elementary educators but welcomes educators of all areas to come take part and share!

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