Biography for Sarah-Anne Tourond

Don’t miss Sarah-Anne at 1pm ET, on Monday Oct 16th 2023!

Best suited for: Elementary to Junior/Intermediate grades

Recording now available:

Presentation summary:

Sarah Anne will be hosting an hour-long session that includes a reading of her book “You Are Sacred” a lyrical book that encourages the spiritual wellness of young learners. Each page is a reminder that we are all relations, and can find solace in the plants and animals, land and sky and Ancestors all around us. Using the teachings of the spiritual quadrant of the Anishinaabe medicine wheel, these affirmations share a heart warming message: You Are Sacred.

Following the reading of this book Sarah Anne will guide a short outdoor yoga practice that will embody the teachings of the book: you are sacred, we are all relations, and we don’t just live on the land, we are the land.

Following yoga there will be a sharing circle / Q & A, and everyone will be given an art assignment to do following the workshop.

Speaker biography:

Sarah Anne Tourond is an artist, author, yoga teacher, indigenous advocate, wellness facilitator and mother to a toddler age son. She is a proud Anishinaabe and Metis woman, a member of the Eagle clan and her family belongs to Gambler First Nation in treaty 4 territory.

Sarah Anne has received two community spotlights with lululemon through her work as a yoga teacher and wellness advocate. She specializes in working within Indigenous communities and sharing yoga through the perspective of her own culture to call folks in as allies to indigenous people and find a deeper connection to the land.

Though Sarah Anne works with all demographics and ages, her passion lies with sharing yoga and wellness with children and youth.

She recently published her debut book “You Are Sacred” with Strong Nations Publishing and is currently working on a second book “You Are The Land”. Both of these books are a part of a four part book series called “All That You Are” a lyrical series that brings children back into a connection with the land and teaches them wellness through the lens of the medicine wheel: to take care of themselves mind, body, spirit and heart.

Sarah Anne’s mission in all her work is to teach others that when we take care of ourselves, we have the capacity to take care of each other and we all can work together to take care of  Mother Earth, just as she takes care of us. She hopes to remind people that all life on earth is sacred and when we reconnect ourselves back to the land as well as each other, we can foster a reciprocal relationship with the Earth and all our relations.

Sarah Anne is constantly aspiring to learn and find new ways to share her positive message and always has many projects on the go, whether it’s sharing wellness or creating art, her repertoire is ever expanding to invoke the change she wants to see in the world. If you want to follow along and see what she’s currently up to, you can follow her on Instagram @saranneliza or visit her website.